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"Me," Emmy said, just loud enough for me to hear. Now, I was beyond mad! Who did this guy think he was, planning on attacking my kingdom and kidnapping Emmy? I wouldn't let him do it, not now not ever.

I grabbed her arm and walked her towards the palace. I needed her safe. I don't know what I would do if anything would happen to her. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

"Come with me, I'm going to keep you safe." I opened the kitchen and rushed through out into the hallway dragging her along.

"Stefan," She shouted, making me stop. "You have a whole kingdom to think about! I'll be fine, just worry about your people. I'm just one person but you have hundreds of other's to think about right now!" she had a point, but I could do that after I was done worrying about her.

"I will," I simply stated taking her farther down the hall towards the room where the head of guards stayed.

She let out a huff, presumably giving up.

I burst through the door, where the head of guards swung around obviously outraged at my outburst. Once he realized who I was his expression softened.

"My prince, how may I be of service?" He was tall with broad shoulders. His beard was graying.

"I want her protected at all times, no matter what. She is to be under room arrest, I don't want her out of your men's sight. If anything happens to her you'll answer to me, understood?" I heard Emmy let out yet another huff.

"Room arrest!" She shouted. "I'm not a child, you can't lock me away like I'm a piece of storage, Stefan!" Crap she was mad.

"I'm trying to protect you, Emmy. Just be quiet and let me do this, alright?" She shut up and looked away. I turned back to the head of guards.

"Do you understand your objective?" He nodded.

"Yes sir," I smiled, pleased that Emmy would be safe.

"Good," I said. "I'd hate for you to have to deal with me if anything happened to her." He fidgeted nervously. I smiled again, pleased with myself.

My job here was done.

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