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Stefan's words sent chills up my spine and made me blush ridiculously. We continued a walk through the palace until we finally reached the evidence archives; a place where they stored all evidence that could be useful during any investigations.

We had to pass several guards, none of them giving us any trouble. Stefan asked one to direct us to the knife. Once the guard left Stefan pulled out the case it was being held in.

"Now don't touch it, just look." I nodded, trying to focus of the problem at hand and not how close he was to me right now.

Something white on the handle caught my eye.

"What's that?" I pointed to what looked like powder, careful not to touch it.

"Looks like some type of powder." Stefan looked closer before drawing back.

"It's definitely hard to see, I doubt they caught that. C'mon I'll have them examine it." I followed Stefan through the white shelves filled with various objects.

Once Stefan had explained to them what he wanted them to do we walked out. It had gone smoother and much quicker than I expected. We walked down the hall in silence.

"How about we go get some lunch?" He spoke. My stomach rumbled at the thought, probably because I had skipped breakfast.

"Sure," I nodded. We headed to the kitchen where Stefan had the servant's pack us up a lunch in a basket.

"Where are we going?" I asked, curiosity filling my voice.

"I thought we'd go to the clearing, we haven't ridden in a while." He smiled. I smiled back, excited to get to spend some time with Starlight. The poor girl, with everything going on lately I've really neglected to spend some time with her.

Just as we stepped out of the kitchen a familiar wave of nausea engulfed me and I swayed on my feet. A vision was coming, this always happened when a vision was coming. I stumbled trying to gain balance but the swirls of images and seeing double didn't help. I felt someone grab my arm to hold me up.

My breath came in short pants as the vision tried to break through into my mind. I squeezed my eyes shut. Then I was eclipsed into my own world.

The room was dimly lit by a single fire place on the East wall, its embers threatening to die out at any moment. In the far corner sat a man, tall, broad shoulders. His face was frozen, him being lost deep in thought.

"I want the girl!" He slammed his fist on his desk. Only then did a dark figure appear out of the shadows, tall and lanky.

"Sir, are you sure this is a good idea?" His voice seemed uneasy.

"Of course this is a good idea! I'll need all the help I can get if I plan on attacking Corbridge! And that girl will have the answer to everything!" I wondered who this girl was that he seemed so bent on getting.

"As you wish, master. What's her name?"

The man at the desk gave a wicked smile and let out an evil laugh.

"Her name," He continued. "Is Emmeline Lancing."


That's when I awoke from my vision, in Stefan's arms. Panic scratched its way to my surface. That man was going to attack the kingdom, and worse he was planning on kidnapping me in the process! I bolted up from Stefan, him scrambling after me.

"What's wrong?" He asked, worry painted on his face.

"How long was my vision?" I asked, trying to mask my emotions, just as father had taught me. But it seems like every time I'm around Stefan that wall breaks and I can't help it.

"About an hour, why?" My eyes widened.

"An hour?" I can't remember the last time I'd had a vision that long. "Well that's good, that means we have time to prepare." I started walking towards the palace when Stefan spun me around to face him.

"Prepare for what, exactly?" He furrowed his brow.

"They're going to attack the kingdom," I stated.

"Who?" Stefan looked even more worried now.

"I'm not quite sure, but I have a feeling it's the man that had your cousin killed and framed my father. Somehow I think it's all connected in some way."

We resumed walking.

"We must tell my father." Stefan stated. I nodded in agreement.

"Is that all that was in your vision?" How much should I tell him?

"Er, yeah." I lied.

"You're lying," He stopped and looked at me. I gulped. Darn he knew me too well. "What else was in your vision?" I opened my mouth to tell him but then closed it; it was no big deal, right? I'd just have to be extra careful. I mean I can't have them worrying about protecting me when they have a whole kingdom to look after... "Dammit, Emmy, just tell me! And don't give me a load of crap cause I can tell when you're lying!" Well, he was mad.

"Okay," I gave in. "The man also said something about kidnapping-" I stopped. That wasn't a lie. But it wasn't the complete truth...

          "Kidnapping who?"

          I didn't answer and gulped guiltily.  

          "Me," I whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear.

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