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I felt horrible telling Emmy she couldn't see her father. That conversation was one I'd been hoping to avoid. Emmy's been my best friend ever since I can remember. Her father is close friends with mine, have been since they were young. It was only logical that Emmy and I would form a close friendship from her being around every time her father was at the palace. Which was quite often, considering he's on the KAC.

A few weeks ago, my father's cousin, who was the chief commander in our army was found stabbed to death in his quarters at the palace. Emmy's father just happened to be there that day, caught in a restricted area. An area that just so happened to lead to the private chamber my father's cousin was being housed in.

He claimed he was visiting my cousin when he saw he had been attacked and came for help. But he had some blood on him and they found a knife that had belonged to him in my cousin's room, next to his body. All the signs pointed to him being the murderer, but I just couldn't tell Emmy that. Sure her father was a good person, but sometimes good people do bad things.

As we were riding back in silence I thought about why Emmy and I were good friends. She didn't treat me like royalty; she treated me like a person. She and I rarely ever agreed on anything. Maybe it was because she was such a challenge and everything was always exciting and fun when I was around her. She wasn't like most snobby rich girls that smothered me in compliments. She was spontaneous, and sometimes down right stupid. I could always count on her to be honest with me. One time I was wearing a new shirt and asked if she liked it. I figured she would agree like the other girls had. Instead she laughed in my face said it was hideous. I later burned the shirt.

I guess I just got tired of being agreed with all the time, I like a challenge every once in a while. Emmy has been sharing a room with my sister, Alina while her father is in prison. The council advised against it, but I didn't care. I wouldn't make her stay at her house by herself and try to keep up with the payments. Alina was more than happy to have a roommate.

I shuddered, thinking about what's on the line here. Emmy's father could have to go to trial, if he's found guilty then there's no other choice but to execute him. It's the law. I can't imagine the pain Emmy's in right now. She doesn't like to talk about it. She's always so happy around me, but I can tell she forces herself not so show her weakness around others. It's the way she was raised.

Today was the first time I've ever seen her cry, now that I think about it. She must be going through a really tough time, but I don't know how to cheer her up.

We arrived back at the palace and plodded on over to the stables. I hopped off my horse and a servant rushed over to take him. Emmy, of course, refused to make the servants do her chores and led her horse into the barn herself. I followed her, to make sure she was going to be okay after our talk at the cave.

She didn't look at me the whole time, no doubt trying to hide her pain. Then, all of the sudden she froze, staring at nothing. A few seconds ticked by and she started breathing heavily and she grasped onto her horse's mane. I cautiously walked over to her. She stopped and collected herself for a minute before turning to me. She looked tired, and really really dizzy. She stumbled and I steadied her by her elbow.

"Your father's looking for you," She said. "It's important." Oh, right. She must have had a vision. Emmy's a psychic; she can see events that are going to happen in the future. If her vision is going to happen soon, her episode will be quick and short. The longer her episode's are, the longer off until her vision comes true. We don't have many psychics in our kingdom; she inherited the trait from her great grandmother.

"You going to be okay?" I asked as she nodded. I gave her a smile before jogging out of the stables. I made it through the palace to my father's study and knocked on his door. He was sitting in his chair behind his desk.

"You wanted me?" I said.

"How did you know?" Then it hit him and he broke out into a smile.

"Emmy," We said together.

"Well come have a seat, son." He gestured towards one of the two chairs opposite his desk. I sat down and interlaced my fingers over my stomach, awaiting his news.

"Well, your 21st birthday is in about three months and I need to speak with you about a very pressing matter." I didn't like where this was going.

"Go ahead," I encouraged him to get to the point.

"Well," He suddenly looked uncomfortable. "The council has brought it to my attention that the law states the future king must be married before his 21st birthday. If he doesn't then he is therefore ineligible to take the thrown." I couldn't believe what he was saying. How could they force me to get married? I had my whole life ahead of me for love, and they're telling me I have to fall in love with someone within three months and get married? This is insane!

"Father, they can't do this!" I stood up. He gave me a warning look but I simply ignored it. "How am I supposed to pick a wife in three months?"

He took a deep breath. "You mother and I have spent a great deal of time compiling a list of eligible princesses and women of other high ranking. We will hold a ball in two months. It will last a whole week. You are to spend time with these girls and choose who you will marry the night before your birthday. Once you have chosen we will marry you right then and there." This was even worse. A whole week with snobby, spoiled brats, all trying to win me over for my title.

"How do you expect me to fall in love with one of these girls in a week, father? I won't do it, I simply won't do it." I crossed my arms, knowing I probably looked like a spoiled prince myself right now. But this isn't fair! They can't force me to marry someone. But if I don't then I won't be eligible to be King. There's always Alina. When she marries her husband can rule. I can't do that though, all my life I've been trained to be king. Why throw it all away?

"Okay," My father said, leaning forward. "I'll give you until next month to choose a bride, anyone, rich, poor, servant or slave. If you have not chosen by then we will commence with the ball and you will be forced to choose from our selection of women. Understand?" I stood up, happy and confused at the same time.

"Anyone?" He nodded. "But I thought the law didn't allow that..."

"Well the law can be changed. I think this is just as wrong as you do. I was just never brave enough to detest it."

"Are you sure the council will approve?"

"Probably not. But I'll deal with them later." He smiled and I walked over and hugged him.

"Thank you father, I won't disappoint you." And with that I marched out of his study. Then I stopped and let this sink in. I have to choose someone to marry in a month's time. How am I going to fall in love with someone in a month? I raked my fingers through my dark hair and thought how I would go about this. Well, Alina's friends aren't all that bad. I could ask her to send for them to have them come and meet me.

I walked towards the garden, it was the best place to clear my mind and think.

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