Exodus-Journal 1:Entry 1:The Tree of Life

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Mid Winter of 6,198 A.S. Day one in the Poison Jungle
Dear journal, I ran away from my teacher yesterday. He was furious with me. But I meant no harm in it. I just wanted to see the LeafWings. They are such an amazing tribe and no I'm saying that because Marula is a LeafWing. I am honest with you, journal, because you are the only way I can put all my feelings and thoughts out on paper where I can see them.
   Getting back on track. My teacher punished me severely. I was told to go into the heart of the Poison Jungle and help the LeafWings find the Tree of Life. It is hidden somewhere amongst the dangerous trees and plants of the small but deadly forest. The forest doesn't go very far. It stops miles before the Snarling River. The strongest LeaWings that have leafspeak—a rare ability among LeafWings to speak to the trees and make them grow faster—have kept the forest under control.
   So now me and Marula are flying towards the dangerous forest where we will be at its mercy until we find the Tree of Life.
   We traveled for what seemed like days. But we finally came to the Snarling River, and there on the river bank was half a dozen LeafWings waiting for us.
    "Are you the ones that caused all that trouble yesterday?" A large, dark green male dragon with dark brown eyes asked me. He looked like he was sizing me and Marula up as if wondering if we would be of any use.
   "Yes," I answered to him.
   Marula was intimidated by him. Although she would have knocked me upside the head for saying that about her. It's a good thing she couldn't read my mind or she would have skinned me alive already.
   "Hmm. Not much to yo two is there." He observed.
   Of course he was right. I had always been on the skinny side. Marula too. Others claimed we didn't eat enough but we did. It was just the way we are. Me and Marula are perfect for each other. We weren't born heroes. We aren't the ones who will go rushing into battle. We will observe and record like I am now. We just aren't hero material no matter what my friends Honey and Badger and their dragons have to say.
   "Let's get going. Don't get lost, you two. If you get eaten that's your own fault for getting into trouble." The large dark green told us, and took off into the sky after his five other comrades.
   Marula took after them, struggling to keep up with their large wing beats. She was only three years old making her still a dragonet that was only a few feet taller than a zebra.
   Marula hatched for me when I was nine. I had been so happy but at the same time I knew I wasn't meant to be or cut out for being a hero. I often thought that Marula chose wrong but she didn't. I know that now more than I did three years ago.
   Marula dove into the thick canopy after the six older dragon. I had to cling to her like leopard to a tree branch in order not to fall off.
   We traveled on feet or claws from there. We walked along the massive tree branches, avoiding the Venus Dragon-traps. They could be pried apart and tore apart by claws. I had a feeling that they would evolve sometime in the future to catch their favorite prey. Dragons. It made me sick to my stomach when I though about it.
   Pushing away all my troubling thoughts, I hurried along with Marula to keep up with six older LeagWings.

Hours later we did become lost as twilight settled over the forest we got separated from the six other LeafWings.
Like I said earlier. Marula and I are not meant to be heroes. We'll probably just get to get ourselves killed out here trying to find the other six LeafWings.
So Marula got us into a tree high from the ground and any danger and we settled down on a branch for the night and went to sleep.

Midwinter 6,198 A.S. Entry 2:Day two in the Poison Jungle.
Marula and I had been wandering around in circles since we woke up this morning. Oh what are we going to do? We just aren't meant to be heroes. I wished Honey and Badger were here. They would know what to do and how to get us out of this mess.
Giving up all hope, I sat down on a large root jutting out of the wet ground.
As I sat there I felt a strange sensation through the root.
Curious at this discovery, I placed my hand on the root and closed my eyes. The things I saw next were too inexplicable to explain. But I did get a sense of direction of where I needed to go.
Getting up from the root, I let my feet lead me and Marula to wherever they wanted to go.
For hours we walked and walked.
Snakes hung like vines from the trees. But none were Dragonbite Vipers. That was a relief. A single bite can kill the largest of dragons in a matter of moments.
As we continued on I felt the earth beneath my feet hum with energy. A strange energy that I have never felt or sensed before. It was nothing like a Rider, magic user, or dragon. It was powerful and full of life.
Growing excited, Marula and I rushed towards the strong flow of energy.
There in a large clearing stood a tree so high that it dwarfed all the others, yet it would be impossible to find it from the sky for the gold and silver leaves glowed like a mini sun blinding all those that would look at if from the sky. As did the silver trunk. Pure white fruit hung from its multitude of branches.
I could feel the radiance of its power when I was a hundred feet away. I feared if I grew any closer I would be destroyed.
"I'm hungry." Marula declared. "I'm going to go get some of that silver-fruit." She said to me, and walked off towards the massive tree.
"Wait! You don't even know if it's safe!" I cried to her, hoping she would listen to what I said but that didn't seem to deter her.
I watch as she plucked two pieces of pure white fruit from the tree and come back over to me, offering me one.
I was tempted to take it but at the same time not. I did not know what this plant would do to me.
"Marula, maybe—," I didn't say anymore when I heard the crunch of the fruit as Marula ate her piece.
"I feel fine. Stop worrying and eat your piece or I'll eat it."
I looked down at the piece of fruit. It couldn't be that bad. Marula was a very picky eater, liking only certain fruits; I found that out the hard way. If Marula liked it enough to eat another piece then surely it would be fine.
So I lifted the white fruit up to my mouth and bit into the fruit. The fruit tasted like life and energy. So much energy that I felt like I could fly to the moon and back. Maybe this is why the LeafWings wanted to find this tree so badly. Maybe they wanted to be prepared if a war ever started. But should I let them use this glorious tree as a weapon? No. I will not let them use this plant, this—this Evertree as a weapon. Only for good. The Evertree shall endure for ever and ever spreading light and life. That I and Marula swore to the tree to not let anyone use the glorious tree for evil. Ever. As long as we lived.

P.S. Hope you all are enjoying.

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