Exodus-Journal 1:Entry 3:The Everguard

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Early Spring 6,198 A.S.
It had been three months since Marula and I found the Evertree, or that's what we called it.
We decided two months ago to tell the leader of the Riders about the tree so that it may be protected from those who wish to take advantage of it and use the Life Tree for evil.
A guard, the Everguard as it was called, was set up. Fifteen of the strongest warriors of the Dragon Riders were chosen to guard the precious tree. They were known as Arax, the Ram, Essix, the Falcon, Halawir, the Eagle, Ninani, the Swan, Briggan, the Wolf, Rumfuss, the Boar, Jhi, the Panda, Dinesh, the Elephant, Gerathon, the Serpent, Uraza, the Leopard, Cabaro, the Lion, Kovo, the Ape, Mulop, the Octopus, Suka, the Polar Bear, and Tellun, the Elk.
I knew in my bones that the Evertree would be safe in their hands. So with nothing left to do we returned to our angry master to resume our training.

Mid Autumn 6,199 A.S. Entry 4
I watched the strange object travel across the sky. It was one of the most strangest things I have ever seen in my life. I looked in the Dragon Rider outpost and training area for other young Riders for any clue on the mysterious object. I even looked in the Book of Clearsight. Still finding nothing except a strange prophecy.

When fire reigns from the sky,
The guardians shall flee.
Flee to Ancient Lands of those who are free.
Free from its clever bleed.
Beware the bleeding beast for it shall destroy everything in its feast.
Hidden below the life of life shall the beast feed.
Feed off her life of life.
Only those brave enough can save this land from the monstrous beasts of the darkest night.

The riddle-prophecy made no sense to me, but I wrote it down anyways.
I continued to watch the object, and I started to plan out its course and where it should land.

Late Winter 6,199 A.S. Entry 5
After months of research and keeping watch on the mysterious object, I finally came upon its landing spot. The border land of the Snarling River and the Poison Jungle.
I was so excited that I figured it out when Riders older than me still had trouble figuring it out.
But at night I lay awake. I think of how close the object will land to the Evertree. But it should be fine, I always assure myself, and go to sleep. But I feel doubt in my bones when I awake.
I can't ever shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen.

Late Spring 6,200 A.S. Entry 6
I went to go check up on the Evertree.
The Everguard was there. They never seemed to mind Marula and I coming to the tree, Tellun especially; Tellun was the wisest and most powerful of the fifteen.
As I can walking up to the tree, I saw how dark and shadowy everything looked. The Everguard seemed confused too. All of them frowned up at the sky along with their dragons.
I looked as well, and to my surprise I saw the large object heading straight for the tree.
Fifteen animals were also making their way here to the tree as well, like they were being drawn to it. A ram, a gyrfalcon, an eagle, a wolf, a boar, a swan, an elk, a panda, an elephant, a cobra, a lion, a leopard, an ape, an octopus, and a polar bear.
I wondered why fifteen beasts were coming to the Evertree. And what was even stranger was that each beasts was a symbol for one of the fifteen Everguard members.
I didn't have anymore time to ponder the strangeness.
The dark object was growing closer.
"Shield yourselves!" I cried to the fifteen Riders and dragons, shielding myself and Marula. But none of them heard me. Or if they did they were too late.
Marula and I watched in horror as the Life Tree crumpled upon the impact of the large object that fell from the sky.
The Everguard was obliterated like they were nothing. But in the darkness where they once stood fifteen balls of light fled from the scene. I wondered what happened? Had that been their spirits?
I knew not the answer for the heat burned away at the magical shield. It would not hold for long but luckily it did.
Marula and I waited for the ash to settle.
What we saw next haunted us for years till the day we died.
The Evertree was reduced to a splintered mess. A large, pulsing black object laid in the roots of the glorious tree. The fifteen animals came walking up to the remains of the tree. They seemed larger and glowed a little as if they had a hidden light hidden inside of each of them. The animals sniffed the tree and found fifteen carved animals of themselves, and then left promptly.
I no longer knew what to do.
The Evertree and Everguard were gone. The land was lit up in fire as red as blood as ash reigned from the sky and the land around them started to turn black from all the ash.
I then remembered the prophecy.
When fire reigns from the sky,
The Guardians shall flee.
Flee to the Ancient Lands of those who are free.
They needed to leave Pyrrhia and Pantala if they ever had a chance at escaping this fate.
As I looked to the west I saw a wall of bright fire sweeping towards us. Ready to devour us in its flames.
Marula and I took to the sky. We needed to warn the rest of the Order and round up survivors if they were going to make it to the Ancient Lands known as Alagaesia. We wouldn't let this wall of flame take us. We weren't natural heroes but that didn't mean we couldn't try to be. We would help lead everyone we could find to safety until we could return to the lands that we called home.

P.S. The prophecy is bad. Sorry. Hope you all are enjoying so far.
   These are not the Great Beast, they are the names of the Riders and the animal they chose to represent them.

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