Exodus-Journal 5:Entry 2:The Ruin

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6,244 A.S. Early Winter
Lycaena and I left that night in hopes of finding the Evertree and saving it and the whole world from the destructive Wyrm like my grandfather wished.
   The cool air rushed past my face as Lycaena flew through the chilly night air that loomed around the needle like teeth of the Beor Mountains.
   I knew we could make it to where the Evertree had been before the Devastation. The only problem was locating where the Evertree was now with all the possible rearrangements of the lands my grandfather knew growing up. And the fact of how fast we could get there before my godfather found we were missing and half the order our looking for us.
   My parents were so going kill me or ground me for life once they got their hands on me. Being grounded was way worse than getting killed by my parents.
   "Just focus on the map and tell me where to go." Lycaena told me, dragging me from my thoughts.
   "Alright." I responded back to her.

Hours flew by as we crossed Alagaësia.
I knew we had to stop at the edge of the continent before even attempting to cross the vast ocean that laid before us.
We settled down at the very edge of Du Weldenvarden. So close to the edge of the continent that I could hear the crashing of the waves against the sandy bank. It was the very first time Lycaena or I had ever seen the ocean or a beach; the Hardarac Desert didn't count.
   I had to resist the temptation to sink my toes into the cool sand and refreshing water. We didn't have time for playing around. We had to find the Evertree and stop the Wyrm before my parents or an order member found us.

When dawn came, we were up and moving.  
   Only if we kept pushing forwards would we ever have hopes of fulfilling my grandfather's final words he wrote in his journal.
   The dark water watched us as we flew over its crystal clear surface. The water was so clear that it looked as if it were made out of a giant sheet of looking glass instead of water.
   The magnificence made me eager to see what else this new world had to offer. What changes were wrought in the Devastation and if any of the original continents reminded. For all we knew there was nothing there anymore. But we had to try and find the Evertree to save it and the world.

After a day of being in the middle of the ocean which was no where, we managed to find a small island to rest for the night on. We were even lucky to find it or else we would have kept going until Lycaena's and mine strength failed us.
   I checked the maps to see if this island had ever been recorded but it wasn't. So that meant either it was too small to acknowledge or things had changed in the last forty-four years since the Devastation.
   Without being able to use the island as a landmark it was impossible to tell how far we were from the original sight of the Evertree or if we were a million miles off course.
   A pit formed in my stomach, making me realize for once how awful this idea really was.
   "I'm such a fool for thinking we could do this, Lycaena." I admitted out loud. "What is wrong with me?"
   A leather wing appeared on my shoulder as Lycaena attempted to comfort me.
   "It's not your fault for trying to help the world. You just wanted to see your grandfather's last wish seen through. There's nothing wrong with that." Lycaena told me in soft, soothing voice. "Don't ever give up even when all seems lost. We'll weather through this like we have through all other difficulties that have crossed our path."
   "You really think so?" I asked looking up at her, awed at her words.
   "I know so. Now get some sleep, Serra. We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow." Lycaena told me, laying down beside me and exposing her want underbelly to snuggle against.
   I curled up next to her and fell into a peaceful sleep.

When morning came, so did the smell of ash accompanied by a blood-red sky.
   It was unlike anything I had ever seen or smell.
"What is that horrible smell? And why does the sky look likes its bleeding?" Lycaena asked, sniffing the air before wrinkling her snout with disgust. "And it's smells like rotting eggs."
I had to agree with her, the smell was unbearable and making me want to hurl at the very smell of it.
"Come on, we have to keep going. I'll cast a spell to filter out the foul air for clean air that doesn't smell like death itself." I told her, already composing the spell in my head.
Lycaena lowered herself so I could climb on, and off we went.
I uttered the spell as soon as we were airborne, binding it to anything living nearby so I could reserve what strength I had left.
Our food supplies hadn't lasted that long due to the rare chance to steal food, and that I had no idea it would take this long to reach the Old Lands, or that it would take this long to find the Evertree.
The sky grew a darker and darker shade of red till only blackness obscured the sun from complete view.
Ash drifted among the clouds like black snowflakes, falling to dark, black ocean below.
Then I saw it. The Old Lands. And they were the complete opposite of what I thought they would look like.

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