Exodus-Journal 5:Entry 5:Grave Consequences

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6,245 A.S. Mid Spring
Visions and feelings tossed about my mind. Blood curling screams of humans and dragons alike. The blistering, burning heat searing into my flesh. The smell of death and decay assaulting my nostrils.
   It was all too much. I couldn't break free of the despair that surrounded me, threatening to pull me under into the black void of pain and suffering.
   "Hang on Vis." I heard a voice whisper out in the darkness.
   I tried with all my might to latch onto Ila's sweet voice. She was my way of getting out of this netherworld. My tether to the real world.
   "Vis, hang on for me, please. Please don't leave me. Please." Ila's voice broke as she spoke, clearly suffering from my sudden unconsciousness.
   Using what little strength I had left, I grabbed ahold of her voice and allowed it to haul me out of whatever netherworld I was just in.
   I gasped, opening my eyes as I drew in deep breaths as if they were my last.
    When I had satisfied my need for air, I looked at Ila to see a shocked yet joyous look on her face.
   Then I was enveloped in her arms, hugging me so tight that I felt like I would never breath again.
   "Thank goodness the fruit saved you. You weren't breathing for five minutes." Ila said, electrifying me to my core at what she just said.
   Pulling out of her embrace, I looked her in the eyes, wondering for answers that I hoped she had.
   "I—I was dead?" My voice cracked as I asked her.
   Ila looked down, and nodded. "When you collapsed, you started seizing. You and Lycaena both. Then you two just suddenly stopped seizing. I thought you recovered, but neither of you were breathing. But I managed to save you both with the Life Giver's fruit." Ila looked up at me, her eyes brimming with tears as her arms wrapped around me once more. "Vis, I thought I lost you for good." She whispered in my ear.
   "I'm sorry you had to go through that," I whispered back.
   Ila pulled back, a smile on her face.
   Picking up a rag she wiped something semi-dry off my forehead.
   Reaching up, my hand came away with crimson blood staining my hand.
   "Ila, why did Lycaena and I collapse?"
   "It is unknown to me and Ila." Lycaena answered for Ila.
   "It's so good to hear your voice again old friend." I responded back.
   "Yours too."
   "Like what Lycaena said," Ila started, finishing wiping off the blood on my face, "I don't know. One minute you were fine, the next you both were screaming in pain and on the ground seizing before you both stopped breathing."
   I wondered how this had happened. It was something I wondered about for many years. It wasn't until recently in my elderly life that I came to know the answer.
"That's very strange. It just doesn't make any—," I was interrupted by the shaking up the earth as something stirred beneath our feet.
"Ila...," I reached out for her hand as the ground exploded beneath us, sending, Ila, Lycaena, and I dozens of feet away from each other.
My head pounded in pain with mine and Lycaena's injuries.
Just as I slowly started to recover, a horrible hissing noise filled the air.
I cringed in pain, covering my ears, attempting to block out the high pitched noise like someone running a sword slowly across a piece of slate.
Then I saw it. The most horrible and demonic thing I have ever seen, even worse than the horrors and atrocities I would see during the Rider War of Alagaesia.
The thing was enormous with a black body oozing with slimy tentacles and a mouth armed with rows of razor sharp teeth of varying sizes. Four blood-red eyes searched the ground before landing on something it found interesting.
I looked to see what it was, coming to realization that I would be too late to stop the thing. The Wyrm, as my grandfather had put it.
The Wyrm wrapped its oozy tentacle around Ila.
"Ila...no." I muttered to her.
She looked at me one last time with those lively garnet green eyes.
"I love you." She mouthed that was followed by a agonized scream as the life started fading from her eyes and appearance. Her ethereal form turning more realistic as she became paler and paler.
I wanted to get up and save her but my body refused to respond from all the pain I was inflicted to in this last half an hour alone.
I could only watch, tears rolling down my face as Ila's screams became weaker and weaker.
When Ila's lifeless body hit the ground, I screamed her name over and over again, begging her to wake up.
I only succeeded in drawing the Wyrm's attention onto myself. But I didn't care. All I cared about was Ila.
As the Wyrm approached, I laid there, hoping for death so I could be with Ila once more.
The Wyrm reached down to grab me and do the same to me as Ila but before its slimy tentacles could wrap around me, I was airborne, clutched gently in Lycaena's talons.
The Wyrm hissed in outrage as we escaped from it. Yet not all of us escaped with our lives.
I wished we could go back for Ila's body, although I knew it was too dangerous. The Wyrm would kill Lycaena and I in the same way. We had to stop it. To kill it before it killed anyone else.
   "Lycaena, we have to kill it. For Ila. We have to kill the Wyrm."

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