Chapter Two

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   A habit that I have picked up over the years is finding small things to stress over so that the main stress in my life is simply pushed to the back of my mind. Little stressor, repairing the pack, authorizing funerals, changing up border switch times, paper work, and few other mindless things. Big stressors, The Alphas of Marragada, the prisoner, the fact that I broke a law so old that my first ancestors ever abided by it, and Reagan. I have written to the Alphas of Marragada that I currently cannot attend any of the meetings due to tragedy on my pack though I anxiously await their response. I absolutely hate the waiting. Waiting gives me too much time to overthink all the possibilities that they could even dream of and some only I can. Will they be angry? Will they want to get rid of me? Do they want to aid me? I simply do not know and that tends to lead me into a downward spiral of if I am worthy enough to be Alpha and a member into their society.

  Then there is the fact that I will have to break that prisoner in my cells. Garret says that he has been deadly quiet while just sitting there, waiting... What is he waiting for? Is he just toying with us? Maybe he's mute. Normally if they don't respond to Garret I have to interfere, which sometimes I can get carried away. I'm pulled from my thoughts when a soft mutter comes from the woman in the bed before me.

  Reagan mutters under her breath but doesn't move otherwise which has been a common occurrence while she's been in a coma. It's only been about five days and the doctor said that she has always had the tendency to speak while asleep due to suffering from odd forms of night terrors. Can you get night terrors in a coma? I didn't know that was a thing or is she just different? I mean, I know that she is different but for other reasons. I know that she is a runt and I know her parents have yet to come see her.

She is truly something else though. A runt has never been compatible with the blood of an alpha before and here she is going through like a champ. She forced herself to shift when she was weak, she saved me. She is truly remarkable, more so than what I originally thought. She's strong and resilient. "Archer?" I snap my attention to the door of Reagan's hospital room while narrowing my eyes as the tall lurking figure in the doorway. How did I not sense him on my land? I should have been paying more attention to the borders, you can't just miss an alpha waltzing on your lands. "You have the long look. Calm down okay? Your mother gave me permission to be here."

"What do you want, Clark? I'm doing work," I mutter pointing to the papers scattered around me in a semicircle. I am currently sitting on the floor at the foot of Reagan's bed but with an angle so that I can see her if I need to. I have been working on paperwork all day long and it is getting exhausting. Clark walks in while taking a seat in the chair beside Reagan. He then takes a long look, his aggressive black eyes seem to lighten some.

"This her?"


  Clark gives me a dark look while reaching out towards her. I want to snap and tell him to move away but I already know his response. It would be 'Go fuck yourself.' "It only took her sacrificing herself for you to learn her name, so excuse me if I just wanted to make sure." He sasses before picking up her hand and inspecting it. Clark doesn't like people or things he can't understand which is why the Alphas of Maraggada bother him so much.

"Reagan McCallenger. It makes me feel idiotic to not recognize Irwins daughter but she looks nothing like him, she only sorta looks like her siblings. I can somewhat remember Vic talking about a Reagan so I guess I should've known the whole time anyway." Which is true. I should have known who Reagan was all along, I've been invested in her since I was young and she's best friends with my younger brother. I've heard my mother bragging about her saying how accomplished and independent she is but my ignorance, or what Clark likes to call my anxiety, made me immune to all things her.

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