Chapter 1

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(A/N Here is the book I promised! Surely I will update the story as much as I can, so I don't let you guys hang on a cliffhanger. This story, however, is mainly Raph's P.O.V until I say so. From one chapter afterwards, the only point of view is Raph's and no one else's. Since my dear OG veteran fans know, I'm a Raph lover and fangirl. So, excuse me for my strong addiction. Onto the story!)

Chapter 1 : Decision

Raph's P.O.V

It's been quite a while since when we defeated Saventi Romero. The city has been very chill. No punks to beat, no robberies to stop, nothing. It's getting hella boring. Others are getting on my nerves more than they should, it's pissing me off.

Leo keeps nagging about not having anything to do other than training. Like you think we don't know that?

Donnie is complaining about how he's not getting April's attention YET. Bro let her go, she's not worth it.

And Mikey, ah, the good old Mikey. Annoying the crap out of me by his pranks, claiming he's 'bored' and this is 'fun'. I wanna tell him I'm not a toy, but can't really.

We can't blame anyone though. I guess we're just not used to peace. Others, they seem to be handling it pretty well.

"Guys, time for daily work out!" Leo shouted from the dojo. I grunted and stomped off my way there, slamming the doors open.

"Leo! We get it, you're tryna be a good boy and do non-stop training, but quit it, man!" I yelled at my normal voice –normal to my brothers.

"We have to stay in shape, Raph. I'm not trying to be a 'good boy'. I'm just making sure you are all ready for-"

"Blah blah blah, BLAH! Ready for what? Army of pigeons? There's nothing to be worried about, Leo! And we're ok on our own!" I mimicked his voice then left a sarcastic comment.

"Ok on your own? Well, you gotta prove it, Raphie-boy." Leo grunted out, dangerously low-voiced.

"Oh you bet I will." I growled and got into position. Right when we both lunged, he got out of the way in a fast swift.

"I got a BRILLIANT idea!" He said casually, walking to the exit, while I slammed into the wall. "Ouch.."

"Since you think you're so independent and ok on your own, I'll be sending you to another country." Leo sarcastically said, facing me once again. I got up and walked towards him.

"Have you lost your shell!? How is that even an idea!? Have you even thought about it yet!?" I got up in his face, growling like a dog.

"Actually, I've had this thought for quite a while." His voice got lower than it should have. My eyes widened slightly and I just stared.

"You've been nagging very much lately, all of you." I just gazed, having nothing to say. No idea why, but I got this little pain in my chest. It was familiar, awfully familiar and I didn't want to remember the first time I felt it.

"..I hope you know I wasn't joking about it. I'm planning on sending each of us to different countries." My voice got stuck in my throat. Us? Each of us? Alone? I can't handle that.

"Your immaturity is becoming out of hand." He said coldly, like that day. No, not this again..

"Actually, me and Donnie have been thinking about it. He knows-" But before he could continue, I grunted and walked passed him, giving him the cold shoulder.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" He shouted at me, but I didn't give a damn. I just straight up walked to my room.

I slammed the door shut, and slid down the door. Why am I getting this feeling again? This feeling of a hole in my chest? I don't like it, I don't like it at all. It reminds me of that day, no.

I shook my head and got up, walking to my bed. I heard a weak sound from Chompy. I grinned and picked him up, nuzzling him. "Hey there, Chomp. What's up?" He made a happy noise, creating an adorable face.

I chuckled and lied on the bed with him on my chest. He came closer to my face, licking it. "Hehe, stop it Chomp." But he was still going. God he is so cute.

But deep down, my mind knows he won't be the same as Spike was. My smile faded at that and I just stared into nothingness.

Leo's P.O.V

Where did I go wrong? What did I say?

I sighed and headed out to Donnie's lab, finding him fidgeting around with his stuff. "Hey Don."

"Hey." He simply answered, eyes not facing me. "I told Raph about it." The pencil in his hand dropped and he looked me in the eye.

"You did? You know how does he gets personal with these kinda stuff. He's over emotional and who knows what will he do."

I just nodded in response. I sort of messed up, but, what can I do? He never listened to me from that day, and never will.


(Well, was anyone OOC-out of character-? Tell me in the comments!)

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