Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 : Getting Used To There

"Ladies and gentlemen, we're landing in a few minutes. Buckle up your safety seatbelts and stay calm." They all heard the pilot's announcement and did as they were told to.

Raph grunted and shifted a little. A landing wouldn't be that bad, right? Boy he was proved wrong.

The plane slowly moved down, giving everyone the shaky feeling in their throats; especially Raph. He gripped the walls inside the cabine, feeling nauseous.

'Damn this..I'm gonna throw up..'
He thought while gagging. Suddenly, the movement stopped and everything came to a halt. The weather felt hot in an instant.

"Passengers, welcome to Brazil. Please make yourself comfortable." A sound from afar took Raph's attention. They have arrived.

After some stealthy moves, Raph broke out from the plane later than others. He saw the little girl on the line again, listening to music in her headphones.
Raph hesitated, then fled to the center of city. 'She wouldn't tell anyone.'

On his way, he saw many new things, new cultures and so much more. Men wearing tank tops, shorts and sandals, women wearing long sleeveless dresses with open heels. It was spring after all and even the nights in Brazil were warm.

Raph slowly jumped from each rooftop to another, being extra careful since the amount of population was more than he thought.

"Okay, I need to get some food and sleeping supplies..but from where?" Raph mumbled to himself, scratching his chin. He wasn't familiar with his surroundings at all. His eyes wandered for any nearby supermarket. He found one exactly in the middle of the street.

Raph groaned and rolled his eyes. His lucks were running out. He jumped from traffic light to traffic light, landing on top of the destination's roof.

"If I could just somehow enter without someone seeing me.." Raph thought about security cameras, face-palming himself. Of course he'll get caught. He looked around for something better.

A nearby open fruit shop caught his eyes. Raph squinted his eyes, getting closer to see better. The shop had fresh fruits in all honesty.

"That'll do for now." Raph mumbled as he jumped to a dark alley, landing on pilles of garbage. "Agh, ew!" He exclaimed as he shook his dirty and smelly feet off.

As he got closer to the end of the alley, he saw the side of the fruit shop. Raph looked around for something to distract the bearded guy who was selling them, when he saw an empty can. Raph smirked and picked it up, fidgeting with it. "I'll wait when he had less customers."

But much to his disappointment, a good 36 minutes passed till the streets and city got a bit more solitude and empty. The guy was still standing, using his phone. 'Now is my chance.' Raph sighed as he got closer to the shop, staying in Shadows.

He threw the can to the side of the shop, clanking as it crashed the ground. The owner flinched as his head turned to the sound. "WHO'S THERE?" He asked rather loudly, approaching the direction Raph threw the can to. His Brazilian accent was very new to Raph, so he couldn't quite understand anything much.

"Perfect." Raph looked around when he got the perfect chance to run to the fruits baskets. He grabbed his backpack and opened it, pouring different types of fruits into it. He'll wash them in some other place.

"Stupid cats." Raph's head snapped up when he heard the guy coming back with a frowny face. He hurried and got down, sneaking away. The owner was still very paranoid, but he didn't notice Raph crouching away.

Once he was out of sight and in a small alley, he breathed out, looking inside his bag. If he had to guess how much he gathered, he would say about 2 kilograms. 'It's good for now.'

Adjusting his backpack, Raph traveled up to a high building. Staying the night in some place would be one of the hard tasks.

His eyes wandered the city, taking in every details he could.
The lights of houses that glinted the city were unhurriedly turning off, civilization slowly tumbling asleep

Somewhere far from where stood, was an old looking house. It didn't seem like it was used for years, being surrounded by lane trees, having no street lamps nearby it. "That's the spot."

Raph settled down in there, sitting on an old bed with ripped sheets. The place was dark, dusty and sort of messy. Raph found out it was a deserted hotel, being there for about years. It'll do for now.

He sighed as he grabbed his backpack, picking up a nectarine from inside of it. It was weird considering nectarines were a summer type of fruit.

He bit on it as he turned on his T-phone. He had enough signal to send some messages. First, he texted Leo, asking how things went. Then he did the same with his other two siblings.

Raph sighed as he flopped on the bed on his back, looking at the ceiling. He wasn't even there for a full day and it already appeared hard. What was he going to do for a year? He had no idea.

His eyes closed gradually as he fell into a deep dreamless slumber...

(The chapter could be longer, I knowwww. But hey, at least I uploaded.)

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