Chapter 6

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(P.S I have a little gift here for a dear loving friend of mine :) Enjoy!
P.S 2 I hope I got the translation right.)

Chapter 6 : New Friend

-One And A Half Month Later-

"Just one more and...DONE!" Mikey whooped but covered his mouth afterward. He couldn't help but cackle proudly at the sight.

"Now that's what I call a cabin." He smiled at the little house he's made. Though it took him longer than he wanted to.

It was a car house that Mikey renewed when he found an old van. It was small but worth it. He had to scrub all the dust and soil away. It was all ready for living a decent life.

The little one's stomach growled, making him aware he hasn't eaten yet. 'The usual sandwich it is then'

He sighed as he looked down. His mouth was desperate for some freshly made pizza, but he couldn't afford it. His usual way of having meals was sneaking them while no one was around, and often it was fast-foods.

Did Mikey have any other choice though?
With another heavy sigh, he stepped away from his newly made house, running towards the town.

Piraeus; a beautiful city with compassionate civilization. Even the left out parts of the city were gorgeous. Mikey couldn't ask for more. He ran on the rounded rooftops, the cold breeze softly caressing his freckled beak.

It has been only a month and he already cherished this city. Though, he found a white cloak to cover himself. And no, not black since it was a bright city.

"Oh yeah, baby! I'm gonna have a lot of fun here!" Mikey cheered silently to himself, but the reality punching him in the gut.

"...Alone. I'm gonna spend my time here, alone." His star-filled mind was washed away at the thought. He exhaled, his non-existent eyebrows turning into a knot.

After running to get his lunch, he settled on a blue roof top, munching on his poorly made hotdog. He gagged once or twice at the taste, but it was what had been eating for a month. Though it was surprising it tasted worse than a thrown-away pizza.

"Απλά φύγε από μένα."
["Just get away from me."]

Mikey's attention drifted to a small alley bellow. He hunched over to get a better view. Two people, one male and one female, the male hovering over the female one. That alone was uncomfortable for Mikey.

"Τι θα έκανες αν δεν το κάνω?"
["What would you do if I don't?"]
The boy who looked just the same age as Mikey spat back, groaning.

"Oh hell no!" Mikey exclaimed, throwing his sandwich aside and hopping down, getting his nunchucks out. He landed in the mild shadow at the end of the alley -- which was a dead end.

Both of the young adults were startled, their eyes wandering just to see what spoke out like that. And in a foreign language.

"Didn't your parents teach you manners, dude?" Mikey asked, now swinging his nunchucks while he approached them. Though he stayed in the darkness, his white third lids were clearly visible, making him look intidimate.

"Τι στο καλό!?"
["What the heck!?"]
The boy's face went pale, backing away from Mikey. He stumbled on his feet but eventually sprinted out of sight. Mikey gave a relieved sigh, looking over to the girl. He got to take in more details.

Ellipse headshape, mild curly black hair and brown almond eyes. Those shocked eyes stared back at Mikey's blue ones, terrified. " ok there, dudette?" His nunchucks were retreated back into his belt while he approached again.

"Τι είσαι...?"
["What are you...?"]
Her voice was barely audible, shaking from a giant fucking turtle. Mikey felt his forehead sweat from the stress. "I don't speak..Greek. Uhm.." Mikey mumbled, scratching his nape.

The girl's eyes lit up as she gasped softly, fixing her wavy and parted bangs. "Oh..." Was all she managed to speak out. Mikey could feel the anxiousness in her too. "Can you speak English?" Mikey asked just in case he'd missed. The girl slowly nodded, looking down and rubbing her arms. "Yes...My name is Stavroula. Well, some people call me Mary..."

Mikey tilted his head. It was strange seeing her not running away. But he was carefree about it anyway. Some awkward minutes passed. "So, Mary. Who was that dude?" He tried to kill the silence while he stepped closer.

Mary frowned, glancing away with a deadly glare. "A boy from our school...We used to be friends but not anymore." The bitter taste in her mouth made her frown even harder. Mikey knew if he was the one she was glaring at, he'd be dead.

"That sucks. So uhm, why are not running away? Aren't I a bit ugly?" Mikey motioned to himself from head to toe, making her look at him with a softened gaze. She smiled and slightly shook her head as she chuckled.

"Why would I run away? You basically saved me from him. And no, I don't think you're ugly." Mary murmured stepping closer, too. "But why are you here? What are you and how-" She got cut off by Mikey.

"Right! My name's Michelangelo! Or preferably Mikey. I'm a turtle, in case you haven't figured and I'm here for a two-year vacation!" The prankster didn't miss a beat as he spoke, grinning as wide as he could.

"I see." Mary mumbled out, smiling back. Mikey's whole attention to his surroundings got vanished as he smelled a delightful scent. Mary noticed this and chuckled, bringing something white out of her backpack.

"That smell seems too delicious! What is it? What is it? What is it!!???" He moaned and despite having just met this woman, he felt quite comfortable.

"Oh, this?" Mary motioned to a wrapped up looking sandwich which had Mikey drooling. "It's just some homemade Gyro. You want some?" She held it out to Mikey, her smile lightening up Mikey's whole mood.

"Yes yes yes yes-! Oh err sorry but it looks too delicious!"

"Yes yes yes yes-! Oh err sorry but it looks too delicious!"

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(Tell me it doesn't look yummy, I dare you.)

Mary laughed louder this time, handing it to her newly made friend. "Enjoy. It's my favorite food, too." The sandwich(?¿?) got poofed out of her hands, appearing in Mikey's mouth.

He took a big bite on it, chewing and swallowing after a while. His wide eyes got shaped into hearts as he melted down into the ground.

Mary panicked, thinking it wasn't as pleasant to him. But was proved otherwise when Mikey shot up and grabbed her by her shoulders.
"It tastes heavenly! Oh my sewer apples!"

They both burst out laughing, already finding comfort in each other as they spent their day with each other.

(It might seem a bit rushed but oh well. Hope you liked this chapter! And a specific someone should tell me their opinion!🤣)

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