Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 : Departures

The four have said their goodbyes to their beloved friends, moving to the airport. They all waited above the building, making sure to stay in the shadows.

"Okay, so here is how we planned the whole thing." Leo whispered, gathering his brothers' attentions.

"We will each go to a different plane. Mikey, you're going for the Greece flight. Raph, go for Brazil's. And Leo, you're moving for Japan's. I will go to North America myself." Donnie said, others nodding at him.

"But we won't be moving at the same time. Luckily, I planned it so each of us arrive at night so sneaking out would be easier."

"I still don't understand how you have the nerve to do these things.." Mikey complained while laying flat on the rooftop.

Donnie ignored him and chuckled, however. "In my calculations, I should be moving the latest, considering my flight to my destination is shorter than you all. Leo, your flight will be the earliest one, so be ready." Leo nodded.

"Next is Mikey. You're going to Greece, so that means you're next. Just go on my signal, okay?" "Okie dokie bro!" Mikey smiled, but deep down he was so going to miss his brothers.

"Then it's me I guess, right?" Raph mumbled to Donnie, wanting clarification. "Yep. Then me."

"So, what do we do now? I'm so bored!" Mikey whined while he rolled on the ground. "We'll wait." Leo gave Mikey a 'Duh' face.

-about an hour later-

"Departing in 20 minutes. Please, passengers get in line." The four perked up, it was time. Leo looked down and chuckled sadly. "Guess my time has arrived." He said, looking at his brothers.

"Yeah.." Mikey murmured. Leo sighed, got up and looked at the sky. The sun was slowly going down, but wasn't forming a sunset yet.

"You got my goodbye, Leo. We'll miss you." Donnie said lowly, standing up too. Unlike Raph, they were all sitting while they waited. "Yeah, we will miss you so much bro. Be careful!" Mikey choked out, he was so devastated knowing he won't see his brothers for more than a year.

Leo nodded, starting to get away backwards, looking at his beloved brothers. Mikey shed a few tears and faced away, Donnie comforting him.

While the two were distracted, Raph thought it would be a good idea to give Leo his personal goodbye. "Hey Leo, wait." Leo stopped in his tracks when he heard Raph call out for him.

"Yes, Raph?" He asked like nothing was wrong. How could he? He was leaving and they couldn't see him for a year or two! But Raph didn't make himself mad.

He walked towards Leo, looking into his eyes directly. "I don't want us to have a dry goodbye, y'know?" Raph chuckled out, crossing his arms. Leo laughed and swung his arms to Raph.

Raph gladly hugged him back, burying his face in Leo's shoulder. "...I'll miss you, bro." His voice was about to crack.

"I'll miss you too, Raph."

After hours of waiting, minutes of sorrowful goodbyes, the three of them were gone. Donnie was the remaining one.

After a heavy sigh, he opened his phone and opened a picture from his gallery. Dang, he already missed them.

He jerked his phone in his backpack when he heard his flight moving in 7 minutes. Then he sprinted to the plane, slowly entering before the passengers.

He settled down in an empty high-class room, knowing no one will have the money to settle there.

Donnie was sure his brothers did the same. Staying out of sight. Donnie got on his knees and brought his hands to his chest, praying his brothers and himself and a safe flight.

'I miss you three already.'

"Damn this place is so small.." Raph grunted out in the place they held their suitcases or whatever, but making sure no one heard it.

He went for the five star seats where no one would be there, well, at least he thought so. A family of three had their seats in there. Great, just Raph's luck.

They had a daughter which seemed like seven or eight, so Raph thought it would a very noisy flight. But to his surprise, the girl was pretty quiet –much to Raph's relief.

All she seemed to do was drawing during the flight. She had red-brownish eyes –which reminded Raph of Donnie– and short black hair.

"Aisan, darling you better stop. You will get a headache." The woman, who Raph assumed was her mother, explained. "But..okay mom." Raph heard the little kid's soft voice, dang.

"Heh..if only other kids would listen like her." Raph chuckled to himself a little bit too loud. But no one noticed, or so he thought.

His eyes fell on the girl looking at her with wide eyes, somehow seeing him through the gap of the door. She wasn't making any noise, hell, Raph could swear her voice was stuck in her throat.

Raph made a move and put his finger on his beak in a sign of 'Shh'. Much, MUCH to his surprise, the girl slowly nodded and looked away a little bit scared. 'How in the goddamn?'

Raph shrugged it off gratefully. Now it was him and his long and boring flight.

(heehee, I updated right after I made an announcement. Be grateful, right now! Nahhh jk.
Hope you enjoyed!)

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