Chapter 7

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(*iNhAlEs* yes I know it's been 4 months, and I know I fucked up, BUT HEY- life's cruel so bear with meeee-- sorry!)

Chapter 7 : Coincidence? I think not!

"Oh great, just my shitty luck."

Honestly, is there something in the world the red turtle hasn't complained about?

Raph fiercely stared at his lost prey's trail, lowering his bow down. After waiting for almost an hour to get the damn gazelle for his dinner, in a snap it was gone.

"Guess being a theft is the solution tonight." He sighed, putting the bow around him and swung it around. Bow. A simple yet effective weapon, he found out. He caught so many preys with it.

"Let's go.." He mumbled basically to no one, walking back into the dark forest. After a while, he was met with the house he made. It was recently finished; a medium sized tree house.

Climbing it up like a ninja, he jumped in from the gap of the block that was supposed to be a window, landing perfectly in the middle. (Because he totally knew what to do with life)
He put his bow aside, getting his dark cloak instead.

He was good at stealing and he didn't like it, so he always tried to hunt, rather than use something that wasn't his own. He didn't always succeed however, hunting prompt animals such as Gazelles, deers and small ones like Rabbits wasn't easy. And the fact that he loved animals didn't help it either, causing him to always apologize a dead animal for hunting it.

Raph arrived at the city some minutes later. He had made a shortcut to the town and it was much easier. Landing on a rooftop close to a restaurant, he peeked in. Crowded, like always, giving him a good opportunity to sneak from the back.

As he jumped down next to the door, he unlocked it and swung it open, looking inside. No one was around, right. But the security cameras were new; that's gonna be a problem.

-One food stealing later-

Raph shut the door of the rooftop, panting and blocking it. They caught him, but not quite. He just knew they were following him. The footsteps were getting closer, some yelling could be heard.

Looking around, he jumped on another rooftop, hiding behind some hanging clothes. He calmed down his breathing, peeking to see if they're gone. He couldn't risk them following him to his house.

"Where did he go!?" One of them asked in another accent. Something so far different from Brazilian; British. But here? They couldn't be visitors and be this fucking crazy.

"Calm down, Harry. We will catch that thing." A woman with Japanese accent spoke out, much to Raph's surprise. Only insane girls would follow some creep like this. But the realization hit him.
'They know I'm not human. Shit.'

"But Miyu, it had a fucking shell! That thing isn't human! Miguel, do some shit!" Supposedly 'Harry' spat out, snapping his head around, searching. That made Raph back up, only listening now. So they were three, great.

"Doctor wouldn't like your behavior, Harry. However, he'd very much appreciate if you actually helped instead of nagging if he was here. We'll catch that mutant. His blood is precious to doctor, so no spilling it." The other male, Miguel, spoke with the same accent as Harry.

' My blood?'
Uh oh. Raph slowly backed away trying to get out of their sights.
"Wait so it doesn't matter if his body is burnt?" Harry asked, confused and curious about it. After a long silence, the horrible answer came. "I suppose not. Let's burn this building. He could be hiding here."

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