Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 : Getting Ready

Raph's P.O.V

"So, Mikey knew it too, huh." I said distantly to Donnie, crossed out arms to my chest as I leaned to a wall.

"Yeah. Well, it was Leo's idea, anyway." He said, not facing me while he was writing on his notebook.

"Tsk." I murmured and stepped out, heading topside to blow some steam. On my way, I walked upon the one and only Leo.

"Where are you going?" Leo asked, having this cold look in his eyes. "Out, duh." I gave him a death glare, and walked off. "Dudes come on!" Both me and Leo stopped and looked at Mikey, who was pouting.

"Can you ever go a day without being mad at each other?" He nagged as he stomped his foot. I grunted and made my way to the exit again, but a voice stopped me.

"Don't go out, we're about to pack up for tomorrow." Leo said distantly, completely ignoring Mikey's question, or complain.

"What!? You never told me it was tomorrow!" "Well now I told you so go and pick your things up." I growled and walked fastly to my room. "Ugh!"

I bolted the door and headed for my drawers. I went to the closet and picked up the backpack I had, then I knelt down for the lower parts where I kept my items.

I never liked going through my own stuff, because I just keep seeing things I don't want to see. But what other choice did I have?

I inhaled and pulled it open. At first, the sight was pretty messy, but when I looked closer, I saw everything I had from the day we moved here. Old fabrics for my masks, little wooden Sais Splinter gave us for friendly practice, everything I personally owned. But there was things I also didn't want to see, though. Like the pack of razors for my cutter. An album...

I frowned and picked up the pack of razors, and opened it. No, it was a long time ago. I won't go back there again, hopefully. I set it back down, and grabbed the album instead.

After blowing some dust away, I opened it. An immediate smile formed on my face. The first picture was all of us posing for the camera, all in our own way. Mikey had his tongue out while he looked like he winked, showing a peace sign –with his two fingers somehow.

Donnie had a nerdy glass on for fun while he put a book on his head, doing crazy stuff. I chuckled and touched the picture, but my grin disappeared when I saw Leo and myself.

We both had our hands hanging on each other's shoulder while we formed a fist bump. I had my smirk and Leo's eyes were closed, showing his shiny teeth.

I frowned sadly, caressing his face from the picture. Bitter flashbacks filled my mind.


"I'm sorry."


I winced and shook my head, closing the album and putting it back. "Damn it.." I muttered and started packing some useful stuff.

-minutes later-

I zipped the zipper close and put the backpack aside. I turned on my T-phone and saw the time. '11:17 P.M.'

"Damn, I should ask Donnie when we're moving tomorrow." I turned it off and bounced up. Heading outside, I walked slowly towards his lab.

"Hey Don, what time are we-" I stopped in my track and smiled weakly. His face was on his table, with some gadgets aside. I shook my head and left to bring his blanket.

Narrator's P.O.V

The blue masked turtle semi-smiled when he was peeking at the door. 'Good to know his softness didn't go away.' He thought to himself. He made an attempt to walk away, Raph caught him, though. "I see you."

Leo groaned and looked back. "Yeaaah. Right." He saw Raph coming out of the lab, then slowly closing the door.

"Shouldn't you be asleep, too?" Raph asked Leo in a low voice, fixing his bandages. "I should ask you the same, Raph." Leo stated afterwards.

An awkward silence fell upon them. 'How did I get here?' Both thought in reunion, not knowing about their same thoughts.

"Hey, when are we moving tomorrow?" Raph asked again, trying to break the silence. "About 8:00 A.M. Why?" "Nothing."

The next thing they knew was their separated ways to their own rooms. Raph layed in his bed, not taking his mask and gear off. Leo did the same, with the difference of him being under the blankets.

'I wish we could just go back in time.'

[Long? Short? You decide! Hope you enjoyed!]

(btw I 'tried' to upload sooner, but like Author's block is just frustrating.)

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