Chapter 5

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(Long time no see, huh. I guess updating this book was hard for some illegal reason >:| but I'm here now. Also, sorry if it's very short.)

Chapter 5 : New Home

"Now this is some messy forest- GAH!"

The red masked turtle slipped over a rock, almost hitting the ground when he pulled himself back up.

It's been 40-ish minutes since he entered the neverending jungle. Staying in the city wasn't the best idea, he figured.

Grunting and groaning, Raph kept on searching. For what? A magical place to stay in? Probably.

Though the trees were high enough; for people to not notice him even if he was up there. The branches seemed to be tough, also.

"Maybe a tree house? But that'll take forever…" Slowly mumbling to himself, he held his hand under his chin. He was going to be stuck there for more than a year.

What does he have to lose?
With a final, long and low sigh, he nodded; confirming his thought.

The sun shining down straight on the elegant Brasilia, birds chirping around in happiness and the street full of people with daily duties to complete.

Though, far from where humans were to live, was a sweating mutant. Working for his goal.

He remembered. He recalled when his father told him something encouraging enough for him to go on.

"Dang it..." He panted while he fell on the ground. He was practicing nonstop for hours but he just couldn't get it right.

He couldn't make the move, wasn't able to do the kata right. The worst part for him was that all his brothers could, but he just couldn't.

Though, from somewhere in the shadows, was a master of ninjutsu watching him; admiring his hard work.

"Why can't I do this? Is it because I'm too slow? What am I doing wrong!?" The little frustrated turtle snarled particularly to no one while punching the air.

The rat slowly frowned, stepping out from the dark and revealing his tall presence.

"Guess I am..." The sentence was followed by a sigh with him flopping down on the floor.

"Do not think like such thing, my son."
The warm and deep voice broke the turtle's miserable silence, making him look up at his father.

"But- But Sensei! If I can't be fast like Leo, Don and Mike then how can I be a good ninja?" His voice quivered, already frustrated by the fact he was failing over and over again.

"Raphael, do you know what doesn't makes you a good ninja?" Splinter knelt down on his knees, holding his sons face in his thin hands.

The innocent Raph shook his head gently, gazing at his father with his big emerald green eyes.

"Doubting yourself. My son, if you wish to take this personally, I'm willing to tell you a secret." That took Raph's attention real bad.

"Out of all your brothers, your perseverance is unstoppable. I've seen you try many, many times to just do something the way it's supposed to be. And I am proud of you for that. That is one thing that makes you a strong ninja."

While cutting wood logs, attaching them together, building everything piece by piece, he was reminded of that day.

The memories. They made Raph smile. They made him work harder and better. What gave him motivation. He loved it all.

(Hey again. So you could give some suggestions for this story for me to write other than the main plot. Side plots to fill the space while I work on the next chapters.)

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