chapter 2

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Monday 7:15 am

"Unniiii!!! Wake up!"
I woke up to the lovely whining of my little sister. I groaned and opened my eyes, seeing chaeji's face in front of me.
"We're gonna be late!" She took off my blanket and opened the blinds. I squinted my eyes and sighed. I was still pretty depressed after the breakup and was definitely not in the mood for school.
"What the.. what time is it?" I rubbed my eyes as I looked for your phone.
"7.15" chaeji said as she walked away. She stopped at the door frame.
"By the way, you're driving me to school today" And with that she left me to get ready.
I sighed and stood up from the bed to go to the bathroom. Good fucking morning.

After about 20 minutes I was finally ready for a new, exhausting week at school. Jungkook would usually this time come and pick me up.. I felt tears coming back again. I rubbed my temples. "Don't cry anymore.. you're a crybaby"
I looked into the mirror and adjusted my school uniform before grabbing my backpack and driving to school with chaeji.

I parked my car to the school parking lot and saw Jimin waiting for me at the gate. I smiled and walked up to him. Jimin smiled and hugged me.
"You look so amazing!" Jimin said and I hit his chest playfully.
"Oh c'mon let's go to class" I said as I started to run. "Catch me if you can!" I laughed as Jimin chuckled and started running.

We arrived inside the classroom panting and laughing. I wiped my sweat off as I sat in my seat. Our dumb teacher did a seat order so me and Jimin can't sit together during most of the classes. I sat in the front while Jimin sat in the back of the class.
We sat in pairs so I sat with Namjoon.
The bell rang and I started stacking books on my desk as the teacher arrived. I look at the empty seat next to me.
"I guess Namjoon's sick then." I thought as the teacher started to talk.

"Good morning students. I haven't probably told about this yet, but a new student is joining us today and will be with us for the next semester. He can introduce himself probably better than me" the teacher laughed and signaled for him to come inside.

A tall boy entered the classroom with a big smile. I felt like time had stopped.
How.. can a person be so perfect?
His glossy eyes, perfectly defined jawline, soft and pink lips, perfect nose, the most insanely hot body and veiny hands. His hair was black and curly, his locks looked so fluffy that I wanted to touch them so badly. He looked like an angel and didn't lack a single thing on his looks.

"So, can you introduce yourself?"

"Hi, I.. I'm Kim Taehyung and I'm from Daegu. I am 19 years old"

His voice... I think I got an eargasm. So deep, yet kind. I was already thristing for this guy that I've seen for like 30 seconds. My eyes were glued to his figure as my face was hot and bright red. My heart was pounding out of my chest and my hands were shaking. So amazing what humans can do to others just by doing nothing in seconds.
And he's 19? I've always had a kink on older guys... meeting him was like destiny...
I realized that I had been staring at him for minutes so I quickly looked down at my books and pretented to read something.

"Good! Now.. where should you sit.." the teacher looked around and saw the empty desk next to me.
"You can sit next to Sooji"

I flinched as I heard my name. What what what?? My head shot up as I saw Taehyung walking towards my desk slowly. I started to panic and fidget with my hands as he sat next to me, putting his bag down. I was shaking and blushing like crazy. He's sitting next to me??!! I'm going to die! He rested his right hand next to my left hand so our hands were almost touching. I kept staring down at my books as I got a text from Jimin.


you okay there lmao
He's totally your typeee

he is so fucking hot
im gonna explode
let's talk after this

I closed my phone as the teacher started our lesson.
I started to work on the assigments the teacher gave us with shaky hands as I could see Taehyung glancing me and my workbook from time to time. Gosh, why is he staring at me? The others were quietly working on their work as I tried to not let out a scream because of this man.

"What page?" he whispered as he pointed at my workbook. I felt like the angel had just spoken to me. I fell into a silence as I finally got his question and showed him the page.
"98" my voice came out half whisper and half air.
"Thanks" he said back to me and started scrolling through the pages on his book. I breathed out as a sign of relief. I am going to die. This is so insane. I've never felt like this with anyone. Not even Jungkook. Taehyung makes me feel so many different things...

"I'm sorry to bother you but.."
Okay what the fuck?? He wants to talk again??? I can't do this.
I stopped writing and kept my head down on my books.
"... I'm kinda new here so.. can I walk with you to the classes and lunch and stuff?"

I froze. Did he.. just ask me that? Someone pinch me! I must be dreaming.

I had the courage to look at him straight in the eyes and... oh my godness.
His face was even more perfect up close. I just stared at his perfectly brown eyes and almost passed out on my seat.
Taehyung looked at me, confused.
"Uh.. are you okay? I can ask someone else if you.."
"No! I'll do it!" I let out loudly as a couple of students stared at me. I looked around and went back to Taehyung.
"Don't worry I know this school well" I said, made a small smile, and went back to my work.
That went kind of smoothly. I just need to control myself a bit better next time.
Finally, the class ended and I packed my books and stuff into my backpack as Taehyung did the same.
I can't believe that I'm going to be with him all day.

"So, what do we have now?" Taehyung kindly asked as we stood up from our seats.
"We have biology so the class is upstairs, number 2290" I answered. Wow, I sounded so normal. I don't feel that nervous anymore. "I'm just going to get my friend and then we can leave"
Taehyung smiled at me and showed a thumbs up. I almost started to scream.
I walked over to Jimin's desk and he had a smirk on his face.
"So, how are the two love birds doing?"
"Oh shut up. He asked me to show the school around and stuff so.. I'm gonna be with him almost the whole day!" I smiled and jumped.
"And maybe we could study after the school day... at my place.." I fidgeted my fingers.
Jimin chuckled at my cute behavior as he stood up from his seat.
"Ok, let's go"

The day finally ended, and me and Taehyung walked to the school gate. Jimin already left, to give us two some alone time.
"Thanks for sticking up with me the whole day Sooji" Taehyung smiled as we made eye contact. He said my name???? Oh my god!
"No problem, it's nice spending time with new people" I smiled back to him.
"So, I'm gonna get going now.. see you tomorrow morning?" He said as he started to walk to the parking lot.
"Yea sure! Bye" I said and waved. He waved back to me and walked away.

I was fangirling on the gate as I kicked and stomped on the ground.
"He said my name! He wants to see me again!!" I yelled as I ran to my car.

"Kim Taehyung wants to see me again!!"

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