chapter 3

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Tuesday 8:53 am

"C'mon Tae you know this" I pointed at his text book that had a calculation.
"I don't know" he chuckled. "I have no idea"
I sighed and laughed. "You are kinda stupid not gonna lie"
"Hey!" Taehyung laughed and gently hit my shoulder.

It's now been around 3 weeks since I met Taehyung. We have gotten along really well and Jimin is also his friend. At first, I didn't really know what to expect of him but after 2 weeks or so, I consider him as a very close person of mine. I found out he lives with a roommate, Min Yoongi and that he lived his childhood with his grandma at a farm. He was really easy to talk to, and we even hung out at the mall a couple of times.
I'm afraid that confessing to him will ruin our "friendship", so.. I guess I'll just have to stay quiet for now. And yes, I'm definitely sure that he thinks of me as just a friend.

The bell rang, signaling that the class is about to start.
"Okay, let's practice more tomorrow" I said sighing as I took my bag and stood up. Taehyung took his bag and pulled something out.
"Take this, you look hungry" he handed me a chocolate bar. I let out a laugh and pushed it back to him.
"I'm fine. I'm on a diet so.. you can eat it yourself" I said as I started walking to class, Taehyung behind me.
"Wait, you're on a diet?" He asked me as he grabbed my arm. I stopped and looked at him.
"Yes.. what about it?"
Taehyung looked at me up and down and opened my hand.
"You don't need a diet, your body is great anyways" Taehyung smiled as he put the chocolate in my hand.
I started blushing as I put it in my bag.
"I'll eat it later.." I said shyly.
I looked at the clock and I flinched.
"Shit, we're gonna be late!" I yelled as I started running, Taehyung quickly following me.

We got into class and apologized for being late as we sat in our seats. As I got my history book out, the door flung open, making a huge sound.
It was Jiyon. The school's spoiled princess.
She must've gotten back from her fancy vacation from France.

"Gosh I'm so sorry I'm late mrs. Park" she sighed and adjusted her jean jacket.
"Our flight was a bit late"

"That's okay Jiyon. Have a seat" The teacher signaled for her to sit down.

"Oh wait, I brought some treats for you guys" she did her fake smile and pulled out a french candy bag.
"Everyone get's one!"
I looked around and saw the others smiling. She is so manipulative.
Jiyon was the most popular girl at our school, and could get any guy she wants just to satisfy her needs. I've always hated her, since she came to our school a year ago.

Jiyon first handed a candy to the teacher and then started to go around the class.
"Who's that?" Taehyung asked as he looked at Jiyon.
"Jung Jiyon. She's one of the most popular students at our school" I said as she came to our desk.

Jiyon's eyes widened when she saw Taehyung.
"Well, you must be new.." she smirked and gave him 2 candies. "You'll get an extra one"
Taehyung smiled. Just her casual self, flirting with guys.
Then she came infront of me and her smile faded. She offered the bag. "Take one"
I rolled my eyes and took one from the bag and after returning to her seat, I saw her wink to Taehyung.
What the heck is she doing? I was starting to get pissed off. Too bad Jimin was out of town until sunday, I would've ranted about her during lunch to him. I sighed and listened as the teacher started to talk.

The class ended and Jiyon came to our table.

She started to cough. "I think I have a flu.. can you come to the nurse's office with me?" She looked at Taehyung only.
"I uhh.." he looked at me, asking for permission.
"That's fine, join me later" I made a small smile and left the classroom, definitely angry.
She obviously fucking faked it, why did you agree for him to go? I'm so stupid.
Why am I so angry? He's not my boyfriend or something...? Ugh, where is Jimin?? I wish I could talk to him.
I walked inside the physics classroom to get ready for the lesson.

"Where the fuck are they?" I thought as I anxiously looked at the clock. The lesson had started 15 minutes ago and Taehyung and Jiyon were nowhere to be seen. I opened my phone and texted him.

where tf are u?
The class started 15 mins ago

Delivered 10:16 am

"Sooji," I closed my phone and shot my head up to the teacher.
"Since Taehyung is not coming, you can work with Jin for this project" The teacher said and I sighed.
Why doesn't he show up? I stood up, took my workbook and walked over to Jin's desk to work on the project.

He eventually didn't show up on the whole day and I was actually hurt by his behaviour. I was sad, confused and angry. I didn't even know what I was. I opened my texts and saw that Taehyung had texted me back.

im so sorry, i got caught up with something
Jiyon needed help
ill be with you tomorrow

16:05 pm

I scoffed. That Jiyon bitch. I can't believe she did that to him. I shoved my phone into my pocket and went to pick up chaeji.

After coming home I immediately called Jimin and told everything about Jiyon and Taehyung and him leaving me alone the whole day. Jimin was really suprised and promised to be with me the whole next week.
I ended the call and went to do my homework.
I sat on my seat and started doing calculations.
"My calculator.." I started to dig my bag when I noticed Taehyung's chocolate bar. I sighed. He said so many nice things to me when he gave this.. I opened the wrapper and started to eat.
Maybe Jiyon just forced him to help her or something. This isn't his fault...? He'll be with me tomorrow and jiyon will eventually lose interest and stop bothering us...


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