chapter 4

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When Taehyung and Jiyon first hung out, I was.. suprised but not worried. I thought that he'll hang out with me and Jimin later then.
Well.. things took a huge turn.

Eventually, he started to hangout with Jiyon and her friends almost everyday. He started to ignore us and be with the popular ones. Actually, he was starting to become popular. I never thought Taehyung was that kind of person to just ditch his friends who helped him get through in the beginning. Now, it was just me and Jimin. Well, Taehyung didn't COMPLETELY ditch us, he greets us in the hallways and maybe hangs out with us but.. we haven't hung out since Jiyon came.
It's been 2 months now.

Seeing Taehyung hanging out with Jiyon and laughing with her makes everything inside of me break and hurt. I still haven't confessed to him, and it's too late now. I wanted to tell him everything. I've started to cry more, usually a few times a week, sometimes every night. I've even skipped some school days and just faked being sick. Jimin, obviously knows that I'm upset because of Taehyung. I just... have very strong feelings for him. I guess he'll never know...

Saturday 9:56 am

I woke up to the sunshine in my room. I squinted my eyes and stood up to sit on the bed. I groaned and held my head. I cried last night again. My eyes hurt and my face was swollen.
"Fucking headache" I whispered as I stood up and walked in the bathroom to get pain killers. As I gulped down the pill with water, my phone vibrated on my desk. I walked to my phone and saw that Jimin had texted me. Oh right! It's his birthday today! I smiled as I opened his texts.

You forgot my birthday right lol

I chuckled and texted him back.

ofc not dummy
I just woke up, happy birthday!!
how you feel to be 18

My smile faded when he texted back.

Great as always, but im holding a party tonight at my house, 10 pm
I invited everyone from our school and from other schools as well, my parents are out for the night so we dont have to worry
Hbu? U better come

I was pretty tired and definitely not in the mood for partying. And what if Taehyung comes there with Jiyon? That will be the worst night of my life. And what will I even wear? I don't have any "fancy" clothes.

Uh I dont know
Im kinda not in the mood right now

Oh cmoon please come
Ill be very sad :(((
You can also meet new hot and sweet guys there
WAY better than taehyung

Your heart ached when you read his name. You sighed and started to text him back.

fine then
and you better give me some company

Yess!! I will!
oh and you will definitely find so many guys with that face ;)

I rolled my eyes by his funny behaviour and closed my phone. Oh shit, what do I wear?
I walked to my closet and went through my clothes. Nothing.. just boring hoodies, t-shirts and jeans. I think I'll need something better.
As I looked at my clothes on the floor, chaeji opened my door and looked at my clothes.

"You need help?" She asked as she picked up a hoodie. She laughed.
"These are all your clothes?"

"Chaeji thank god you came. I need something more fancy.. dresses or party clothes?" I rambled to her as she set the hoodie on my bed.
Chaeji crossed her arms on her chest.

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