chapter 10

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Four minutes. Four fucking minutes until I'm leaving South Korea behind me.

And Taehyung.. he hasn't showed up yet.

I guess he had better things to do then... my worst fear came true.

Our mom told us to grab our bags as we started to head to our gate. A big lump of sadness was in my throat as I started walking behind my mom and sister.
Tears formed in my eyes as I thought about Taehyung. How could he do this..

I trusted him.

Taehyung was driving as fast as he could to the airport. He was ripping bis hair off out of stress. He knew he was going to be late. Fucking Jiyon. He totally forgot about his phone as it rang with phone calls and messages from Sooji. He drove through red lights about a million times and almost crashed with an another car.

What if she left? I'm not gonna see her anymore. 

After huge turns and twists Taehyung finally arrived at the airport, parking his car and running inside. He ran through the crowds of people and to the escalator. Gate 8, gate 8.. 

He was panting as he heard an announcement: "Flight 6709 to the United States from Gate 8 leaves in 3 minutes".

Taehyung freaked out. 3 minutes? He started running faster once he got to the second floor. He had to take an another escalator to get to gate 8, where Sooji was. Please don't leave yet.. please Sooji...

He finally arrived to the same floor and started to run as fast as he could to the gates.

"Gate 8!" He sped up as he saw the gate. His eyes widened as he saw you carrying your bags, clearly looking hurt.

"Sooji!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs as he continued to run towards you.


I turned my head towards the familiar voice as I saw Taehyung, running as fast as he could towards me. I dropped my bags as I quickly ran to him. We collided in a hug, eventually falling on the floor.

I was crying happy tears. He actually came.

I was on top of him as I looked at him with a blurry vision, due to the tears.

"I thought you broke up with me" I sniffed as I saw Taehyung shed a few tears.

"No of course not! Why would you think that?" He smiled as he wiped my tears.
We got up from the floor and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
He put his hands on my waist as he pulled me in for a kiss.
All the other passengers and probably my mom and sister were staring but we didn't care. At all.

This was our last moment together.

My tears kept falling as I could taste the saltiness in the kiss. We broke the kiss as I looked up at him. My heart broke. His eyes were very teary and smile broken.

We just stared at each other, totally forgetting about our surroundings.

"I'm gonna miss you" I whispered as my cries got stronger. I rested my head on his chest as he stroked my back.

"You'll visit right?" His voice cracked as I looked up at him.

"Of course" I smiled as I kissed him.

"Sooji, we need to go now!" I heard my mom yell from behind.
I squeezed Taehyung even more, not letting go.

"Let's stay like this a bit more" I said as I kept hugging him.

We just stayed there, hugging each other.

Don't let go.

"Dear passengers, flight to USA from gate 8 leaves in 1 minute. Please board as soon as possible"

I winced as Taehyung pulled away.

"You need to go now, you'll be late" Taehyung's voice broke as he took your bag and handed it to you.
I kept crying as I took the bag from his hands.
Is this really it? I'm never gonna see him again..

A sob left my mouth as he kissed my forehead.

"Text me when you land okay?" He smiled and started to walk away backwards.
I smiled weakly as I mouthed a 'bye' to him.
He waved back at me and turned around, walking away.

My tears wouldn't stop coming as I grabbed my stuff and joined my mom and sister to the plane.
I sat in my seat and looked out of the window.

Good bye South Korea. Good bye Jimin. Good bye school. Good bye Jungkook and Jiyon.

Good bye Taehyung.

First Love In A Heartbeat // kthWhere stories live. Discover now