chapter 9

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I arrived at his house as I knocked on his door, holding the sides of my arms as I shivered in the rain. He quickly opened the door and wrapped a blanket around my cold body.

"You're so cold.. let's go to my room" he looked worried as he dragged me upstairs to his bed. He took off my jacket and out pillows under my head.

He laid down next to me as he held my hand, caressing it.

I sighed and turned on my left side to face him.

"Just tell me" he said and rubbed my waist.

"My mom came back from America and she said that she wants us to move to the US" I said as tears started to fall down my cheeks.

Taehyung went silent as his expression changed to sadness.

"Are you serious? Like temporarily?"

I shook my head as a sob came out of my mouth.

"Permanently" I whispered as I buried my head in his chest.
I started to cry my eyes out as Taehyung stroked my back.

I'm never going to see Taehyung, Jimin and all of my other classmates ever again..

"Why did she have to come? My life's gonna get fucked up" I sniffed as I squeezed Taehyung's arm.

"Relax sooji... it's gonna be okay" He stroked my back, saying soothing and loving words to me, breaking my heart even more.

I sniffed as I looked up at Taehyung, seeing a few sparkles on his eyes too. My heart ached as a tear rolled down his cheek. I've never seen him cry before.
I hugged him as we both went silent. There wasn't really that much to say anymore...

We knew we would not see each other anymore after a few days.

Wednesday 9 am

I am devastaded. It feels like I'm living in a nightmare. I've tried everything, seriously everything to stay here, with Taehyung. I even got an approval from Taehyung's parents that I could live with them in their house but no... my bitch ass mom and dad refused "politely" and continued to drive our move to the USA forward.

I sighed as I packed my stuff in big cardboard boxes. This is the last box.
I visited the school last time, and said goodbye to all my classmates. It was kind of sad, even though I wasn't really friends with most of them. Well, I'm not gonna miss Jiyon that's for sure.

I said good bye to Jimin lastly, by the school gate. We both cried. We just cried and hugged each other. I think some people stared at us but I didn't care. He has been my best friend since 6th grade, I'm gonna miss him so much.

Jungkook. Yes, he tried contacting me after hearing about the news. I didn't answer.

I took the box in my hands and was about to lift it when I saw an envelope on the floor. Out of curiosity, I put the box down and opened the envelope.
Tears formed in my eyes as I looked inside it. It was polaroid pictures of me and Taehyung.
One with us smiling, eating snacks, holding hands, making funny faces, kissing, piggypacking each other...

I totally forgot about these. I was going to hang them in my room..

We made a promise to each other that we would meet at the airport, before our flight and spend our final moments together. Wow, that is so heartbreaking to say....

"Sooji, let's go!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs.
I quickly wiped my tears and took the box, leaving my room forever behind.

Time skip

"Where the hell is he..." I thought as I anxiously looked at the clock. It was around 15 mins before we could go inside the plane and Taehyung still hasn't shown up.

I opened my phone for the 100th time and checked my messages.

Taehyung, are you coming?
Our flight is gonna leave soon

Where are you

No response. Why is he not answering?

What if he just ditched me because I'm leaving to the USA?
No way. He wouldn't do that.. would he?
I sighed and started to type.

Taehyung I am not waiting for you if you've broken up with me because of all this.

I pressed send and closed my phone. I closed my eyes and hoped for him to come say at least goodbye to me.


Taehyung locked his apartment door and put his keys in his pocket. He was on his way to say goodbye to Sooji. His heart was heavy, and sad. He was his true love, he would've never imagined something like this to happen.

As he turned around to walk to his car, he saw someone run to his front yard. He looked closely and his eyes widened.
Jiyon was running to him, with a big fake ass smile plastered on her face.
She arrived in front of him and hugged him. Taehyung was taken aback. What in the world is she doing here? We broke up after all. I need to get to the airport right now to meet Sooji.

"Taetae I'm so so sooo sorry.." she whined as she looked at him with puppy eyes. She kept hugging him.
Taehyung was confused.

"What do you want? I'm busy" Taehyung pulled away from the hug and took off her hands around him.

"Taehyungie... it was my biggest mistake to break up with you and I've been thinking a lot lately that... maybe.. we could... get back together?" Jiyon played with her hair and looked at Taehyung with puppy eyes.

Taehyung was not amused at all. She meant nothing to him. All he wants is Sooji.

"Get back together? Are you serious?" Taehyung was serious and crossed his arms.

"Look, I'm so sorry. Let's bring back our flame"

Taehyung sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"So, what do you think?" Jiyon smiled and clasped her hands behind her back.

Taehyung laughed.

"No. I don't want to see you anymore. And I definitely don't want to get back together with you" Taehyung pushed her out of his way and unlocked his car.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving to meet Sooji."

"Sooji? That fucking bitch? She's nothing" Jiyon yelled furiously at him and stomped the ground.

Taehyung opened the car door and looked at Jiyon.


"She's my everything."

First Love In A Heartbeat // kthWhere stories live. Discover now