Chapter 3

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At detention, Kim felt weak. Why did Detention feel like forever? Maybe 'cause till now, she hadn't been to one.

"Okay. That's it for today. I hope you have learned your lesson. And in the future please don't break rules. I hate taking detention class as much as you do." Mrs. Johnson says to the attendees dismissing the class.

It was 8:30 p.m. Kim went outside the school building and she saw Jack.

"Hey, Kim." Jack says.

She ignores him which was quite expected.

"Look, I am sorry I got you detention........" He kept talking but Kim did not listen.

He grabs her arm. "Are you even listening?"

Kim takes his hands and flips him up. He falls to the ground. "Don't think saying 2-3 nice words sweetly will change anything. I hate you Jack." Saying this she ran towards her home.

Jack wanted to follow her but she flips nice. It was hurting.

*At Kim's home*

"Honey, where were you? You know, I was worried." Her mother asks Kim.

"It was a guy." Kim replies.

"A guy? Tell me more." Her mother asks, all excited.

"It's not what you think, Mom. He is such a jerk. Gosh, I can't even describe his horribleness." Kim says putting her hand on her forehead.

"What happened, sweetheart?" her Mom asks putting her arm around her.

Kim explains her story. How she ended up in the boys' bathroom, how she got 'pastad', and her detention, basically how her day was ruined.

It always felt good when Kim shared her thoughts with her mother. Her mother laughing over her silly jokes even if she didn't understand them. Everyone needs someone like that. Because her mom was her everyone after her Dad left, she was the only person Kim could share love and hatred with.

"That's horrible, honey."

Ms. Crawford tells her daughter, only to find that she had fallen asleep. She slightly kisses Kim's forehead and wraps her in a blanket.

A week passed by.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Every day, whenever Jack saw Kim, he would rush up still trying to apologize to her. And Kim would show him as if she was Lucifer herself. On Friday, when Kim was standing by her locker, Jack grabbed her by both her arms, pushing her back slightly to ouch the lockers.

"Leave me alone, you jerk." Kim says trying to push him away.

"No, I won't. Let me apologize first."

"You're not worth it."

"Kim, now you are over-acting. Put your ego aside for a minute and listen to me."

"Why do you care?"

"Because I like...."

His face froze. His lips started trembling at the thought of what he was going to say. A whirlwind of emotions captured him. How was thee Jack Brewer  supposed to complete the sentence? Because I like you.....

Not at that moment because it wasn't the best between them. He was sinking deeper with his overwhelming feelings until a familiar voice pinched his ears. "Because I like what?" Kim asks him. Jack realized he was still holding her.

He lets her go.

"Because I like to apologize if I make a mistake."

Really, Jack? Really-  He mentally slapped himself at that moment.

"Well, I accept your apology. Are you happy now?" She says pushing him on his chest, finally out of his grip and away fromthe jerk who she didn't want to see for anymore second.


"And from now on, we are complete strangers. You won't talk to me and I won't talk to you."  She formally said, her eyes were darting his like a needle.

"Like that's going to happen." Jack smiles at her and soon was out of sight.

Kim didn't understand. Why was he doing this to her? Why didn't he let her life remain peaceful? The final bell of the day rings and Kim started picking up her things. By the time she got on the main street, an unwanted presence lingered around her.

"Hey, Kim. What's up?" Jack asks her playfully.

"What on Earth are you doing here? Kim stops walking. "Are you following me? Do you want to go to jail at an early age?"

"My home is this way." He tells her.

"No, it is not. I saw you going the other way yesterday."

"You saw me? Meaning you were stalking me. Do you want to go to jail at an early age?" Jack mocks her tone.

"You are irritating." She yells at Jack.

"And you are rude. Yelling at me for no reason."

Kim basically lost it. If she tried to walk, he would walk beside her. If she increased speed, he would do it too. He was following her like a lost puppy and Kim didn't apprecite it. Her blood became hotter and if Jack didn't stop, she'd explode for sure.

"Listen up, you moron. If you don't quit jerking around me, I'll make you pay hard." Kim grabbed him by his collar.

"Okay. Okay." Jack says putting his hands up in surrender.

She lets him go.

"What are you gonna do? Ask your super-rich Dad to terminate me?" He says to her, playfully.


Kim's expression changed. She looked down and stood still. Her feet paused and the breathing came back to normal. Jack's smile drops after seeing her face. He stepped closer to her. Did he say something wrong?

"I, uh. I will, um, see you on Monday. Bye, Jack." Kim tells him. That was the only sentence she could think of. She runs without hearing or hoping for any reply from Jack.

'Bye, Jack.' That didn't sound like Kim at all. He didn't understand. He silently watched Kim go away until she was out of sight. Should he apologize to her? Or should he leave it there only? He was confused. Kim was the most difficult girl to understand he had met till now.

Kim didn't know how to react. On one side she felt anger, pain, and disgust. On the other side, she longed to see her father's face. How was he? Did he even miss her? If she loved him, she wouldn't admit it.

"I hate you, Adam Beulah." Kim speaks to herself.

Upon entering her house, Kim saw a luxury car parked on her runway. Whose was it? Kim enters her house. "Hey, Mom. Whose car is in our runway?"

Before her Mom can answer, a certain man sitting on her couch makes her drop another question.

"What are you doing here?"

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