Chapter 5

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Kim started blinking her eyes. She could feel the heartbeats of an unknown chest. Every beat made her feel alive. She wanted to shove herself deeper but Kim suddenly realized her 'creepy' thoughts and pulled away.

"What's up, Kim?" Jack greeted her with one of his most charming smiles. "Had a good sleep?"

Kim slid herself away from him, after realizing how close she was. Her hand automatically traveled up to her forehead.

"Where am I? What time is it?" She asks glaring at her environment which was dark, cool, and reminded her of the park.

"You are in the park. And the time is..." He paused to see his watch "1:17 a.m.

"Good Morning." He continued himself.

"What?" Kim asked in surprise. She stood up, taking the support of nothing due to which her balance was terrible.

"Don't push yourself too much. You must take it easy on you." Jack quickly caught her.

Kim softly placed her hot hands on his and pushed him away. "You realize, you don't have to be so nice to me. We are supposed to hate each other." She tells him, a small smile forming on her lips

"You know, there's no point in hating someone pretty." Jack smirked and Kim rolled her eyes at him.

"How long have I been sleeping?"

"Probably, 2 hours."

"You were that close two me for 2 hours. You really are a creep." Kim says in a weak voice.

"Well, thanks to this creep or you would have been lying somewhere, cold and dead." Jack says, making a point.

Kim glares at her environment once more. 1:17 a.m. The moonlight was faded, and navy blue streaks were forming across the dark sky, indicating it's gonna be morning soon.

"What are you doing so late here?"  Kim asked once she was done staring at the sky

"I often come here. I like skating. What are you doing here" He answered as his left hand stretched out to Kim's shoulders.

"At this time?" She asked with eyebrows furrowed, putting his arm down.

"Parents out of town. What do you expect me to do?" Jack paused," What about you?"

"I just came here for a night walk." She couldn't tell him the real reason. They weren't that close.

"Night walk?  You're a terrible liar. But don't worry, you don't have to tell me."

"Well, thank you. I should probably get going. My Mom must be worried about me." Kim got up, trying to maintain balance but only to no avail.

"Easy there. Let me walk you home."  He got up, standing beside her, and softly placed his hands on her shoulders.

"No need." Kim told him, confident. He lets go of Kim's shoulder and she fell.

"Are you sure?" Jack's eyebrows have risen in a mocking way.

"Fine." She scrunched her nose at him. Kim reached out her hand and Jack pulled her up.

She walked her way out of the park and to her house. It was annoying at first, but Jack's grip on her shoulder made her feel lighter with every step. His touch was... warm and comforting and Kim liked it.

Maybe, he isn't that bad after all.

"Enjoying my touch, Claire? Sorry, Kim." Jack jokingly asks her, saying the wrong name on purpose.

He has to ruin every nice moment, hasn't he?

She punches him lightly on his chest with her elbow. "Ouch." Jack winced. "What was that for?"

"Nothing. I felt like punching you." She replied, making a straight face.

They were now at Kim's doorsteps. She let go of his grip, leaning on her wall for support.

"Thank you, Brewer." Kim thanked him and Jack smirked.

"Alright, I think I'll go now."  He said backing away.

A moment was there when she wanted to stop him, But why? They were nothing more than... Well, they weren't friends either. They were just two confused fifteen-year-olds who didn't know how to term themselves.

Kim sighed and turned to knock on her door.


She turned her head to see Jack standing in front of her, closer than ever. His warm breath striked her face, burning her. She was stiffened, busy staring at the brown eyes who were staring back at her.

"I, uh..."

"Yes?" Kim asked, hoping for a quick reply.

"I, uh, gave you my jacket. Can I have it back?"

Kim stood with a confused look on her face. With all of that affection in his voice, he wanted his stupid jacket?

"Oh, okay."

"Here you go." Kim said and handed him what he wanted.

Another moment of comfortable silence between the two 'confused teens' which was shttered by Kim."Well, Good Night." She said.

"Good Morning." Jack reminded her.

Kim chuckles and Jack smiles at her silly laugh. "Okay, then." He smiles and walks off. Kim waves at him but he didn't see it, he was the other way.

"Bye, Jack." She whispered, keeping the words only to herself.

Once he was out of sight, Kim turned back at her door, sighing with absolutely no relief. How was she supposed to face her mom after their 'sweet' conversation? Her head was down and in her brain, random sentences were forming about how to start when her mom would appear in front of her.

I'm back and it's past midnight. It's crazy, right?

'sup, mom? Were you worried about me? Don't be, I'm home now.

Suddenly, her door opened and Kim jumped in shock. Her mom was standing in front of her. Before she could say anything, Ms. Crawford wrapped Kim in her arms. She didn't expect it, but to be honest, she needed it. 

"Mom, I am ...." Kim pulls away but she cuts her off.

"Your fever has grown. Common, let's get inside."

Kim was surprised. Why wasn't her mom asking her anything? Did she forget all of it? Impossible. She asked, "Mom, why aren't you saying anything?"

"Because it's not your fault. And there's no point in yelling at someone for no reason." Her mom replied. There was this calmness in her voice which Kim needed to hear.

"Still, it's not fair. At least, ask me something. A single question?"

"If that's the case, then, that hot guy who walked you home was Jack, right?"

"Is there anything in the fridge? I'm really hungry." Kim walked away from her living room. First, her eyes widened, second, cringiest question ever, and third, even her consciousness was making fun of her.

*The other day*

It was Sunday, and Kim was being bored to death. Homework was done, so were chores, Netflix was sucked and still, her day was going empty. An idea sprang in her head, and she slid down the stairs, looking for her mother.



"Is there any dojo nearby?"

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