Chapter 6

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"A Dojo? I don't know. You can check for yourself." Her mom told her and Kim expressionlessly nodded. "And on your way back home, bring some groceries too." She added once there was a sound of the doorknob turning.

Classic mom.

Kim went wandering her neighborhood. She could see a park, a theatre, a shopping center where she wasted an hour, a gym, a salon, basically everything but a dojo. A sigh of frustration and her feet were ready to head back home. Then, a two-story, green-roofed building caught her eye- Wasabi Warriors.

She walked blindly towards it and entered, pushing the glass doors, and at an instant, she heard some enthusiastic karate students practicing their moves. Bo-staffs, wooden boards placed over cinder blocks and mats being dented by the powerful moves- she missed it.

"How may I help you, miss?" A middle-aged man asked her. He was perhaps their sensei.

Kim diverted from her thoughts, batting her eyelids for a few time. She didn't even realize she was staring.

"I, uh, wanted to enroll for classes. I am Kim."

"Rudy. And your new sensei."

Both of them shake hands and Kim went to the office, waiting for someone to come in and help her with the paperwork. She tapped her foot continuosly on the carpet, and when no one came in after two minutes, she got agitated.

Kim went to the shelves, checking over the trophies and prizes and to be honest, she was impressed. And once gain, she was staing unintentionally.

"You must be the new student. I'm-"  A voice called from the door and she turned, only to see Jack in the face. He was shocked too for a second, but his shock turned in a smirk the moment Kim blinked her eyes.

"-the guy you already know." He finished, his smirk fresh as new.

Kim's lips were slightly parted. She closed her mouth, licking her lips and then cleared her throat before speaking anything. "You do karate? And out of all the places, here?"  She exclaimed. Not a single part of her body wanted to admit it.

Jack wickedly walked to her, keeping his hands in the pocket of his gi all the time. "Yes, I do. And out of all the places, I do it here."  He kept walking and Kim kept taking a step back, until her body collided with the wall and they were just two inches apart.

Kim lifted her gaze, and Jack was staring, shooting daggers with his eyes. "Is there any problem?" He asked seductively, as if he didn't know what the problem was.

Kim, for a second, smiled and then roughly whacked his knee with her own, collapsing him to the floor. She celebrated victoriously while Jack winced, still on the floor. "Non, monsieur." She replied cheerfully.

"Why always so violent?"  Jack questioned, straightening his gi once he got up.

Rudy stepped in and they immediately parted away, as if nothing happened right now. Kim sat down on the chair in front of him and they talked. All this time, Jack was staring at her like her stalker, folding his hands and smiling for god knows what.

"You are welcomed here anyday, anytime. The dojo closes at 10. If you wanna ask anything else, ask him." Rudy pointed at Jack and he stopped his day-dreaming. They were alone again, Rudy left the second he was done with the explanation and questioning.

And Jack was back. He started the smiling again.

"Do you ever stop smiling?" Kim furrowed her eyebrows at him and he shook his head. She threw her arms in the air- she was defeated.

I Have You - Jack and Kim fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now