Allo~ This is your back-up AllBeautyDestroyed (Avanthe) to bring you a not-so-very-fantastical Fanfic review~! I will begin by warning that I am too honest with critiques; therefore please do not attack my opinions for am I am simply one hell of a back-up (BRICK’D pfft!). Also I am, in fact, NOT an Akashi Seijuro fan, so… yeah. Have mercy on my soul~ xD
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Fanfic under review: Shadows of the Heart by Bre2k9
In a nutshell, this is a story about Kiyoshi Misaki leaving behind her brother (Teppei) and best friend (Akashi) after being accepted into Rakuzan High. That is where she meets Akashi again, but different than the last time she’d seen him because of his eye color change and cold gaze. And although he’s changed and Misaki hates his new persona, she is determined to keep up and save him.
Oh-kay, let’s start with the positive: Like I said, I am not an Akashi fan but the idea of this story is darn captivating. I look more into the idea of the story than the character of choice—and even ignore spelling or punctuation errors. But luckilyBre2k9 doesn’t have a serious case of grammatical difficulties, so that’s a plus. I was able to read with a flow and not just a list of events happening (ex: He laughed. She also laughed. They walked together). The dialogue was entertaining and I could picture it all as I read—which is a favorite of mine while reading stories. Introduction of Misaki was well done, not too cliché (except maybe making her a relative to a Canon character) and her personality traits are relatable. Finally, I ♥LOOOVE♥cliffhangers and this author seems to do well in leaving you wondering and wanting more~ :O
Now the negative: There were tiring moments where the author added a little too much detail that I had to skip over a lump of details just so I could find where the story picks up again. My eyes would drift off if I saw a brick of words or wrong placement of dialogue; though it’s not such a big the-world-is-ending deal because I found some good stuff in between. Lastly, the Author Notes at the beginning of each chapter were too long; I wouldn’t read it all the way, honestly. I don’t need to know it’s your first fanfic ever, just have fun and keep on writing~! :D
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As you can see, the positive outweighs the negative so, if you’re an Akashi Seijuro fan (which Wattpad is apparently filled with), give this fanfic a read! I appreciate plot-talented writers—and readable writing with a low amount of errors—so I think I will wander off and check out Bre2k9’s other works~~ :P
Enjoy! ;3