Emma (ch 31)

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It was the day after our prom. I was cleaning my room when I found a diary. The outer cover is made of leather and its pages were made of recycled paper which felt like cloth. It is a tieable one. It was perfectly vintage. One of my most treasured possessions. I used to write a lot. But after I met Tyler, I didn’t use it at all. So, I open it and read the last few entries. I grab a pencil and start writing.
“My life is going perfectly well right now. Never been better. I started high school and to my surprise it turned out to be amazing. The main reason is Tyler. He is amazing. But seriously, I can see how hard life is for him with his phobia. We can hangout only in the coffee shop, he can’t come into my room, he can’t go to any others house except for Dean’s and so much more. Yesterday was our prom. Me and Tyler went together. Actually, he was not supposed to go because of all the paper cups and etc. I told him it’s fine if we can’t go but he insisted that we do. He looked like he was fine the whole time but I can tell he felt uncomfortable. So, we left within an hour. I've been hanging out a lot at this house since he can’t at mine. My mom has been very understanding and I am grateful for it. But I make sure I don’t misuse it. Tyler’s mom clearly likes me and his dad has been a lot less mean to me. Tomorrow we are going to a movie, also Tyler’s idea. I know how dangerous it can be for him but he doesn’t listen. Me and his mom tried to talk him out of it but there was no use. Tyler’s mom is not so worried because she thinks that Tyler has got a little over his phobia. My mom’s new boyfriend Jack is just amazing and she is happy with him. They are planning on getting married next month. Me and Marcus are so excited. So that’s all for now. Byeee.”
I set the book on my study table and stare into the air when my phone starts ringing. It’s Tyler. I pick up the phone and say “Hey". He asks what I am doing and I tell him about my diary. Then I realized I have to go to work and tell him the same reason and cut the call. I dress up and rush to work.

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