Leaving the Styles

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Note: Quite dark.


When I wake up, I see Harry dressing up in front of me. I almost jump out of shock.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Morning love..."

"Why the confused face?" He asks me.

"Cute red nose...um did we...? I mean, uh...Where did all the beer bottles come from? I thought we only shared one."

The tent is all messy. There's empty bottles of beer everywhere, his and my clothes.

After he picks up his shirt, I notice a pack that says "Wanna see the Eiffel Tower?" and it's ripped opened.

"Guess your question is answered now, eh love?"

"Harry, love, don't kill me. I mean this is not our first time but it sure is our first time taking a trip to Paris in a night...if you know what I mean." I say, and I start laughing.

I actually don't remember a thing. Only the first time. 

"Well I better get going or I'll be late. Have a great day, I love you." He says and he gives me a kiss. 

"You too, I love you Harry."

I stay in the sleeping bag and i want to sleep more, but then I remember I have to get back to my house; my real house that is, because my dad will come pick me up, I mean that's what Anne said. When I check the time on my phone,  I see that it's already 7:30 am. So, I immediately get up, get ready and take the tent down, after I clean it up and take out the sleeping bags and the empty bottles. 

Harry's mum is having breakfast when I walk in and she tells me to join her too, so I do. Then, after breakfast, I pack up and leave a note on Harry's bed saying goodbye, since he already left. 

I give Gemma and Anne a hug before leaving and I thank them one last time.

I find it so hard to walk away from their house, because I've been staying there for what feels like a long time and I can't help but reflect back on the many happy memories. It's so hard to let go, and as much as I convince myself that I will probably come back, there's a thought at the back of my mind that convinces me otherwise.

When I get to my house, I see my dad already there, casually waiting for me.

Well, somebody's early and I start to feel anxious, scared and paranoid once more.

"Where's everyone? Why did you come pick me up alone?" I ask him, sounding very worried.

"Your siblings are at home, waiting for your arrival. I did enjoy you leaving without telling anyone when we were at the cottage." He says in a sardonic tone. 

Well, clearly this isn't going well. Neither do I think this will be going well at all. I mean, if we're already off to a bad start, how bad will the rest of my time around him be? I think I'm an idiot. Why did I even bother coming here?

"Well, I had to. You told me not to tell anybody about what I saw, but you didn't ask me to leave without saying a word. It was for my own safety."

"Get in the car, let's go."

I don't want to. I can't. Something is stopping me. It doesn't feel right. What if he does something? Or takes me somewhere other than his house? What if my step-siblings aren't actually waiting for me? What if I'm in for a surprise?

...But of course, I have no choice; especially since I'm already here now, by his side. And, he even reminds me of the mistake that I did to come here in the first place, by shoving me right in the back seat of the car. He's treating me like an animal. Who does he think he is?

Styles, Harry Styles. (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now