223 23 0

Everything has advantages and disadvantages, but this award only has Advantages. 😉😉

1st place:

A permanent follow from the host and all judges of your genre.

★ Your book added to host's reading list.

Shout out

★ 1st place Sticker

★ Review of your book.

2nd place:

A permanent follow from the host.

★ Your book added to the host reading list.

★ Shout out

★ 2nd Place Sticker

★ A review

3rd Place:

★ Your book added to the host's reading list.

A shout out.

★ 3rd Place Sticker.

★ A review.

Runner Up:

A Shout out.

★ A Sticker.

★ A review.

Sound good right?

Any question? Ask here ➡

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