50 2 3

Congratulations to you too for participating.

Judge: Rhuthwrites__ and AranyaAgnihotri

♤ Book Title: The Painful Truth by mwriter12

Blurb- 9/10
Title -9/10
Language - 18/20
Character -8/10
Plot - 19/20
Writing style - 18/20
Overall -9/10

Review- Fine. I really enjoyed reading this book. But all I want to say, I think you need to make things more clear. This is just my opinion. Just Do what your heart says.

♤ Book Title: Chasing a memory by sonjaebersole

Blurb - 9/10
Title -10/10
Language -18/20
Character -8/10
Plot -18/20
Writing style - 18/20
Overall - 7/10
Total- 88/100

Review - This story is also nice. I think this author has the potential to make the story even better.

♤ Book Title: Deep Thrust by Richynerd20

Title -9/10
Language -18/20
Character -8/20
Plot - 17/20
Writing style - 18/20
Overall - 8/10
Total - 87

Review: The writing style is awesome. The description... I really love it. I think you should add few powerful dialogs from your story in your blurb to attract readers.

♤ Book Title: The President's daughter by black-cypher

Blurb/Cover: 10
Title: 10
Use of language: 18
Characterization: 8
Plot: 17
Writing Style: 16
Overall, Originality and Creativity: 7
Total: 86/100

Remarks: It's nice, more of a chic-lit with a little twist but work on the plot

♤ Book Title: Life as it is a series by QueenofPepper

Blurb- 7/10
Title - 9/10
Language - 18/20
Plot -17/20
Writing style - 18/20
Overall - 8/10
Total - 85/100

Review: I think you should not use emoji in your blurb. You should make your blurb better. Please check the punctuation. There are a few grammatical mistakes.

♤ Title: Home away by tremma_gold

Blurb/Cover: 7
Title: 10
Use of language: 18
Characterization: 7
Plot: 14
Writing Style: 18
Overall, Originality and Creativity: 10
Total: 84/100

Remarks: I must say that the book reminds me of Nigeria Culture as am a Nigerian.

It's nice to see people embracing their cultures but you need to work on the description of the book, it doesn't fit the book plot it's more of a 'letter to my mother' type of book. It's nice Nevertheless.

♤ Book Title: Erase and Rewind by Allison_Hei

Blurb/Cover: 8
Title: 10
Use of language: 14
Characterization: 9
Plot: 12
Writing Style: 19
Overall, Originality and Creativity: 8
Total: 80/100

Remarks: It's a mystery type of book, it's nice but needs work, the plot is kinda shaky but all in all it's nice.

♤ Book Title: Over a cup of Tea by divineEarth

Blurb/Cover: 10
Title: 10
Use of language: 12
Characterization: 9
Plot: 12
Writing Style: 13
Overall, Originality and Creativity: 10
Total: 66/100

Remark: Honestly after reading the blurb, my hope was really high.

First chapter: Very good
Second chapter : Good
Third chapter: Acceptable
Fourth Chapter: I don't know anymore

Your book is supposed to be a novel I suppose your writing style doesn't fit that of a novel. There are also dialogue books on wattpad, tag your book as a dialogue book,work on the storyline.

I love your creativity but put in the description - dialogue book

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