Let Me In

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Let me in I want to see
the scars you hide, the memories you flee.

Let me in I want to help
help fight the demons within your own self.

Let me in, I know it's hard
I'm not blaming you for everything you believe is falling apart.

You're more than skin
You're more than bones
There's a heart beneath and I know it feels alone

That tuesday morning when I saw your sleeve rolled up
in the bathroom down the hall where you went to wash up

that red mark on your forearm caught my eye
the one you immediately started to cover up and hide
I wanted to ask but my tongue
decided otherwise
I was petrified, a weakling
a coward who wanted to believe the lies.
the ones you kept telling everytime I asked you if you were fine.

I don't blame you, I blame myself
You see I never tried to look past your contagious smile to the silent screams, overtime I had turned deaf.

And now everytime I close my eyes the thought of you occurs to me
It's a thought that doesn't let me sleep.
So this time I have a plea..

Let me in, I want you to believe
that I'm here for you and not for me
That I'm here to stay, to find a way
to make you laugh so hard you forget the pain
to pick you up when you've had a hard day
to get you to trust me even if it takes a decade.

Let me in because I believe
Bit by bit we can set you free. 🕊️
It sucks knowing that someone close to you is in pain and you didn't even notice all along. Doesn't it?
Here's the 1st poem.
Tell me what you think. 🧡

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