So I made a thing...

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After the second titan war. Every one got back to their normal lives as demigods. Percy however wanted to spend more time with Annabeth. Every morning he would wake up before all the other campers and go to the Athena cabin. Since they didn't allow him in; Thinking he would break something. 
He stood outside the window where Annabeth's window was and threw small pebbles at the window. The first time Annabeth was pretty impressed that he had woken up so early. It soon became a daily habit. Percy would wake up and then wake Annabeth. 
One day Annabeth was up already waiting for Percy. When he didn't arrive she went to check his cabin. He wasn't there either. She walked alone to the place they always sat down together and what she saw amazed her more than Percy being a morning person. 
Percy was already there on a picnic mat with a picnic basket and hiding something behind his back. 
Annabeth mouthed a seaweed brain then she came and sat down, but Percy insisted she stood up again. When she did, he brought out the objects from behind his back. There was a small box and a single red rose. "Annabeth Chase, will you be my wife?" He asked. She answered with a small yes even though she was mentally screaming. 
He threw her arms around Percy and then Percy showed her the ring. It was an owl with waves below it. This time Percy was the one who kissed her. 
Suddenly Chiron and the whole entire came out from behind the bushes. How then managed to be so quiet we will never know. But they were all happy for Percebeth. And yes Olympians decided to come over too.

"Don't forget to eat your cereal!" ... Now I wonder who said that...

I'm bored as you can prob see! Yes I wrote this...Ikr I'm proud of me too... Is it Percebeth or Percabeth? I'm really confuzzled now...

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