10 | continue

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jennie was running.

she didn't know where she was headed to, or how she was going to escape, but she just knew she had to get away from the monsters behind her.

she could hear their laughter get louder, and she forced herself to run faster. all she could see was a crooked trail in front of her and then thick trees. endless trees. and darkness.

she felt thorns and branches against her skin. she was breathing heavily, short pants escaping her mouth. she feels her feet get heavier and heavier.

the manic laughter was catching up to her.

jennie tried to propel herself forward, her eyes widening in terror. she risked a look back and saw all of them laughing at her, reaching for her, pointing fingers for her.

she could feel her breath catching, and forced herself to look forward, but then a branch tore through her skin.

she felt the icky substance trickly down her arm. she looked down to see the word "UGLY" enscrawled on her am, blood leaking out of each letter.

suddenly it was like she was a canvas, words were enscrawled all over her body:

whore, slut, lazy, bitch—

she felt like she was backed into a corner, with the monsters laughing at her, humiliating her while she tried to take more steps backward.

her white dress was stained with blood and her eyes were unnervingly wide with terror. she tried to say something, but couldnt.

tears, hot burning tears, were leaking from her eyes, as she backed into a wall. she could only see faces laughing at her amidst the darkness, and blood pooling down at her legs.

suddenly, the wall disappeared.

jennie was falling.

hysterical laughter still boomed in a corner in the darkness. she felt compressed, like someone was pushing down on her chest and not letting go, not allowing her to breathe.

the laughter got louder, the darkness got darker, she got more suffocated. she couldn't breathe.

then, she let out a piercing scream.


jennie woke up, panting. her eyes were wide and trained on the ceiling as her chest heaved up and down.

she lifted her hand up gently, only to see she was shaking.

she touched her face, feeling her cheeks drenched in tears, and her hair sticking to her face, also wet. she brought her legs closer to herself, as she felt a shudder rock through her entire body.

she hurriedly checked her body, pulling her sleeves, shirt, cupping her face, and sighed in relief when she didnt feel blood or see any cuts.

jennie took a few deep breaths to calm herself down, then reached to her bedside drawer, where she keeps the bottle of pills now.

the unsettled feeling within her freaked her out. something bad was going to happen, but she didn't want to face it.

taking multiple now didn't faze her. she didn't think twice - heck, she didn't even think about it.

pills were a norm to her.

she couldn't live without them.

she swallowed them quickly, and snuggled back into her covers. the heavy dosage caused her to knock out quickly, like she just hadn't had a nightmare.

all this while, she hadn't heard her door open. or noticed the young lady stand at the door and had watched her the moment she took her pills.

the said figure entered after a few minutes, walking carefully around her bed to her bedside drawer.

she picked up the bottle of pills jennie had placed for herself, uncapping it quietly.

she stifled a gasp seeing how the entire bottle was almost empty within a week.

her grip tightened around the bottle, and she squeezed her eyes shut to stop the stinging of oncoming tears.

she placed the bottle in her pocket, and tried to walk away, but couldn't.

so, the ebony-haired girl stood beside jennie's bed, staring at the sleeping girl with sad eyes and silent tears escaping down her cheeks.


this was honestly quite difficult to write. it's not the content of the dream which was hard, but describing the feeling when you're falling, suffocated was hard. i'm still not satisfied at all with this chap, because, lets be honest, the emotions, the tension, weren't conveyed that well.

if anyone knows how to explain this better, please do message me and give me some tips to improve!

btw, dreams such as falling, being chased, etc are commonly dreamt by those dealing with anxiety (or depression). however, please keep in mind that doesn't mean one is necessarily depressed / has an anxiety disorder :)

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