Author Note

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This story is told by multiple points of view. Sometimes it's Skylar telling the story, sometimes his demons, sometimes Death tells the story. I feel that the way this story will be told, will create the feeling I'm looking for with this story. It's not romantic, or cute, or made to have girls fangirl over. It's made to tell the story of a boy who has mental health problems. I feel that by just describing what Skylar faces daily will not bring this story to life, but I must tell you his problems to help you better understand him and eliminate confusion or fighting about this.
Skylar faces depression, anxiety, self-harm/hate, judgment, and suicidal tendencies. He comes from an abusive family and a poorly educated childhood. As a young child, he was taught that hitting someone was okay by his father. He was also taught that you don't need school, even though he strived for knowledge.

I hope you grow as attached to Skylar Claire as much as I did while writing his story. And please, don't try to find wonderland like Skylar did please.

XCreation ShadowsX

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