Episode 1

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A fresh, new morning, Hyeyoon woke up with a smile on her face. She looked so happy. She was dreaming about that man again. The one who always came to her every night in her dream. She stayed with that man almost all the time. That's why she always woke up exciting.

She quickly got out of her bed and woke her roommate "Eunyoung! Eunyoung! I have something to tell you".

Eunyoung tried to open her eyes, looking at her happy face. "What's it, Hyeyoon?".

She grabbed Eunyoung's hand and said "I dreamt about that man again. He came to me" She said excited.

Eunyoung just gave a forced smile and said "That's cool".

Hyeyoon looked at her disappionting since she didn't even give her a nice reaction. Eunyoung closed her eyes and was planning to go back to sleep. But it didn't go as she wanted because suddenly her phone rang. She became angry and was finding her phone.

"Hello? It's me, Eunyoung". She didn't look at that number before pick up a call.

Unknown number started talking "Hello? I picked a phone up yesterday on the stairs near the playground. I saw so many missed call from this number but I didn't get a chance to call back because I was busy". It's a man who was calling her and talking softly that almost made Eunyoung sleep back.

"Ahh---you picked up my friend's phone? I think you should talk to her directly". Eunyoung handed her phone to Hyeyoon who was sitting, making confused face.

Hyeyoon asked quietly "Who's it?". Eunyoung didn't say anything and told her to talk to him.

Hyeyoon got a phone and started talking "Hello?". She didn't know why her heart was beating so fast and seemed so nervous. It's like he's going to kill her? LOL.

"Ohh hello!--You dropped your phone yesterday, right?" He asked. Hyeyoon heard his voice and was falling in love with it for the first until he called her again "Ms....?".

She quickly answered him "Yess..that's right. I lost it yesterday. And I didn't know where to find it since I went to many places". She continued "So where did you find it?".

He smiled and looked at her cute casephone, saying "I found it on the stairs near the playground".

She nodded and didn't know what to ask more. She wanted to asked where he was and she would go to pick it up by herself but she didn't dare to talk to him. She felt shy and her face became red.

"When do you have time?" He asked first to break down an awkward conversation.

"Hmmm....Whenever..I always be free" She was hestitant to answer.

He continued "Ok..How about tomorrow?".

"It sounds good. So, I will be waiting you tomorrow but where should we meet?". She asked. Actually, she wanted to go to cafeteria to thank him for picking up her phone. But she was waiting for him to tell her first.

"How about on that stairs near that playground around 9 o'clock in the morning? Because I think it's easy for us to find each other. However, we haven't known or seen each others yet" He gave her a reason why they should meet at that place.

"OK" She answered disappionting but she couldn't tell because he was the one who giving that idea.

"Bye!" He hung up by saying that.

And she also hung up and gave phone back to Eunyoung who was listening what they're talking.

"What did he say?" Eunyoung who was sitting and waiting to ask her. Hyeyoon just told her when and where she would go to take her phone back. Then, Eunyoung nodded and went back to sleep. Hyeyoon was thinking about his appearance how handsome he was because his soft voice made her heart beating so fast that almost came out of her body.

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