Episode 4

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A new morning, Hyeyoon woke up with a smile on her face again. Of course, she dreamt about him again. She was very happy. She got out of her bed and went to the kitchen. She was drinking coffee while looking at her phone. She was thinking to call him, the one she met yesterday. She really wanted to have memories with him since she really liked him. So, she decided to call him.
"Hello? It's me" Hyeyoon talked nervously.

"Who?" He asked her confusing.

"The one you picked up my phone..." She said with soft voice.

"Ahhhh-you!!!" He finally noticed her.

"When do you have time? I mean I want to have a coffee with you" She raised her eyebrows, and hoping he would accept that request.

"Hmm...today can be the one" He answered quickly as he didn't have any plans.

"So, we will meet at café, ok?" She asked and made a cute face although he didn't see her.

"Ok, bye. See you soon!" He hung up.
Hyeyoon took her phone from her ear and quickly prepared for going out.

Hyeyoon arrived at café before he did. She smiled and didn't know how to describe her feeling. Immedaitely, there he came. She stood up and looked at him without winking. He looked at her while walking toward she.

"Ms.?" He called her. She quickly looked away and smiled at him and told him to sit down as she did.

"Sorry, I'm late. I've just finished my works. Is it that long to wait for me?" He asked her.

"No, it's not. I also just came" She lied to him. Actually, she has been waiting for half an hour. It's so funny that she lied although she hated to be waiting.

"What do you want to drink?" Asked Hyeyoon.

"I want iced latte. How about you?" He quickly ordered what he wanted and asking her back.

"Me? I...I want..iced green milk tea" She was really nervous everytime he talked to her. She was hestitant.

He then called the waiter and ordered the drinks.

"Why do you want to meet me? I know that you want to thank me for picking up your phone but I think it's not really necessary to do that" He explained.

"Well...the thing is that I really want to thank to you about that since my phone is literally important to me. If I lose it, my works will be nothing to me" She said worrying. She wouldn't be able work at company again if she lost her phone because the works in her phone were her team's works.

"One more thing is..." She hasn't finished her sentence yet because the waiter came and put the drinks on the table.

"Here are your drinks. Please enjoy~" The waiter was serving it while saying some sweet words.

"Thank you!!" They both thanked him at the same time.

"What did you just want to say? One more thing is what?" He asked her after 3-4 sips of iced latte.

"Ohh...emm..I want to know your name because it's really strange to call each others Mr. or Ms., something like that. So, I want to call you like someone I know well" She was very shy to say something like that in front of him but she really meant it.

"Haha..of course I will let you know. My name is Kang Hui" He laughed hardly. He didn't expect that.

"I...am Kim Hyeyoon" She said hestitant. Her heart was fluttering.

"Hyeyoon...your name is pretty" He obviously liked her name.

"Thank you" Her cheeks became red.

"We now know each others' name. I think it'll be forever comfortable for you" He said and smiled so wide.

"I think so, Hui" She said his name for the first time. It's a bit awkward to call him by his name.

"That's right, Hyeyoon" He called her by her name for the first time too.

After that, they started talking about something else until in the evening because they met each others may be around 10 or 11 o'clock. He walked her home since he thought that she was a girl, it's not good to let her went home alone.

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