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"Deeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Wake uuuuuuuup!!!" Dee jolted awake with the impact of a pillow on his face. Remus was jumping up and down on the foot of his bed, causing the other to bounce as he sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"I'm up, calm down." he said, hoarsely.

"It's Christmas!" Remus threw yet another item at his face. It was a small, roughly wrapped package. Whatever was inside it was soft and light.

"Oh, you shouldn't have." Dee yawned as Remus jumped into a cross-legged sitting position on his bed. Dee took from his own bedside table, a much neater gift wrapped in lime green paper, throwing it at Remus's face.

"You go first." said Remus, clutching his gift to his chest and prompting Dee to open his. Ever since their first christmas at Hogwarts, Dee and Remus opened their gifts from each other first. Dee tore off the wrapping paper to find a bundle of black neatly assembled yarn with many loose strings of many colors lining the edges. He unrolled it, revealing it to be a long scarf. In large letters of all different colors that clashed together horribly, the scarf read:

'Merry International New St. Thanksbirthday-month-ween-day!'

Dee snorted, something he always tried to avoid doing, but he couldn't help it. It only took one look for him to know Remus had made the scarf himself.

"I didn't know you could knit," He laughed, picking up the scarf and coiling it around his neck.

"Crochet, actually." Remus rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "and don't you dare tell anyone."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Dee played with the ends of his new scarf. It went around enough times to warm his neck and half of his face. "Clever, including so many different holidays."

"Yep, now you can wear it on every occasion!"

"Pure genius."

They laughed harder as Remus swept the wrapping paper off the side of the bed. "So... you like it?"

"I love it."

"Another success!" Remus punched the air, then tore off the wrapping on his gift from Dee. Dee watched him gaze at the dark covered book, reading the words. "'Don't Read This At Night?'"

"Muggle horror stories," Dee explained, "I know that's your favorite genre and you love doing exactly the opposite of what you're advised to do, so I thought it was a good read for you."

"I can't wait!" Remus exclaimed, already reading the back cover. "And you're right, I'm definitely reading this at night."

"One more thing you missed," Dee said, pressing the book back closed before Remus could open it to the first page. He pointed to the wrapping that lay abandoned on the mattress. Remus looked at it. Hidden in a crevice of paper was a small chain. Interestedly, Remus pulled it out, and saw attatched to the front, a collection of jagged, sharp objects.

"What kind of teeth are these?" Remus asked, awed.

"Not sure about all of them, but I know that one is sabertooth tiger, that one is parana, that one is vampire bat," he pointed to each tooth, "then there's timberwolf, thestral, and cockatrice."

"How did you make the concept of charm bracelets cool?" Remus breathed, still gazing at the tooth necklace.

"So have I also succeeded this Christmas?" Dee asked, crawling behind Remus to fasten the necklace over his pajamas.

Remus turned around once the necklace was secure and tackled him with a hug. Forced back into his pillows from the blow, Dee was thankful that their dormitory was empty except for the two of them this Christmas. Almost everybody else in the whole school had gone back home for the holidays due to the threat at school. Patton, Logan and Remy had all gone home, leaving Remus, Dee, and Roman at school.

AND THEY WERE WIZARDS. (Oh my god they were wizards)Where stories live. Discover now