#54 Never happier

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I'm never happier than when I'm curled up against Nathan, his hand softly stroking my back. We hang out at his place more often now – only when Rose is at Elise's, of course. It's only been a little while, but I already feel at home here. I know the kitchen inside and out by now and I've got my own drawer in his bedroom and the ensuite bathroom. It makes me sad that both drawers have locks on them so Rose will never stumble into my stuff by accident, but I know it's the only way to keep her from finding out about us before we're ready to tell her.

"I can't believe you think he's sexy," Nathan comments, his eyes on the TV.

I wasn't paying much attention to the show we're watching, too tired to follow the witty remarks the actors are spewing at each other. I'll have to rewatch the episode when it's his week with Rose again, because there's no way I am going to miss even a single minute of Suits.

"What are you complaining about?" I ask, yawning as I snuggle against him with a sigh. "Harvey Specter is the sexiest guy on that show."

Nathan grunts against my hair before pressing a kiss on top of my head. "I just can't believe my girl has a thing for Gabriel Macht."

"Who the fuck is Gabriel Macht?"

Nathan's chuckle rumbles through his chest against my ear, making me smile. I love moments like this, arguing about a show, just enjoying each other's presence.

"He's the actor playing Harvey Specter."

"Oh," I realize. "I don't have a thing for him. Just because I would do Harvey doesn't mean I give a shit about Gabriel."

"They're the same person!" he argues.

"No, they're not." This is a discussion I had with my ex-boyfriends so many times that I've lost count. The only person who has ever agreed with me on this is Shaughna. "Gabriel Macht is an actor, playing the persona of Harvey Specter. They may look the same, but that doesn't mean they are one and the same. What I like about Harvey is the fun and power he oozes. Sure, he and Gabriel have the same body and face, but it's the personality that I like. And the suits, of course. I don't have a clue if Gabriel Macht is anything like that."

Nathan shakes his head when I lean away from him so I can look at him while I talk to him. His green eyes sparkle with amusement like they always do when I rant like this.

"So you're basically saying that you're attracted to a fictional character? And that when you like some guy on a show that it doesn't mean you fancy the actor?" He frowns. "Give me on other example."

"Damon Salvatore," I say immediately.

"Who the fuck is that?" Nathan pulls out his phone and types in the name. "Oh, you mean Ian Somerhalder. I know him! He was in Lost, wasn't he?"

I nod. "I didn't fancy him in Lost though. And I honestly never looked twice at him when I saw him appear on any other show or give an interview or anything. But then I saw him play Damon on The Vampire Diaries... Let me tell you, he is hot. I may not give a damn about the actor, but when I sure as hell wouldn't kick that sexy vampire out of my bed. He can suck my blood any day of the week."

"Should I be worried about you leaving me for Harvey Specter or Damon Salvatore?" Nathan asks, a smile creeping onto his face.

"Maybe," I tease. "Now, tell me, what woman from Suits would you do?"

His eyes flick to the screen and he shrugs. "Not sure. I mean, most of them are pretty hot, but I don't care for their personalities. I think I like Rachel best."

"Rachel Zane?" I sit up a little straighter. "You've got a thing for the princess of England?"

"Princess? Isn't she like... a duchess or something? Besides, I thought Meghan Markle and Harry left the royal family? And..." Nathan smirks. "You just told me that having a thing for a character doesn't mean that you have to like the person portraying them. I honestly never gave Meghan Markle a second thought, but if you ask me what character on Suits I like most, it's Rachel Zane. She's sweet and fierce. Just like you."

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