A-Are You Sure...!? ( 🏐)

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Third Person's P.O.V
Akaashi was tapping his foot nervously as he waited for Bokuto to show up to their meet up spot. You see, Akaashi had finally gathered enough courage to ask out his energetic senpai, and was relived when Bokuto agreed.

He checked the time on his watch and noticed that he was a good 10 minutes early. Akaashi was always one to arrive extra early, instead of having the risk of being late.

To distract/entertain himself, Akaashi pulled out his phone and scrolled through social media. About 6 minutes passed when Akaashi felt strong arms wrap around him and a head on his shoulder. "Whatcha doing Akaashi?"

The raven haired male tensed up then immediately relaxed when he recognized the voice. "Bokuto-San...you don't sneak up on me like that." He turned around to face his duo colored Senpai. "What are you even doing here this early?"

Bokuto had a large grin as he tapped Akaashi's nose. "I knew you would be here early since you always arrive early to any function. So I decided to arrive early as well! That way we have more time together!!" Akaashi looked at Bokuto with a shocked expression then looked away to hide the fact that he was blushing. "O-Oh."

Akaashi was kinda glad that Bokuto knew about his tendency to arrive somewhere early, but was flustered with that fact as well. "L-Let's just go Bokuto-San..." Bokuto had a smile as he let go of Akaashi. "Alright! Also, you can drop the 'San' Akaashi! Just call me Bokuto!"

Akaashi nodded with a shy smile. "G-Got it." The walked to the cafe that was nearby and waited in line. While they waited they talked about how their day was going and Bokuto kept saying how excited he was for their date and that he couldn't wait to see Akaashi. This caused the younger male to get flustered and only reply with one worded answers. Bokuto didn't mind since he knew that Akaashi didn't give full replies to be be rude.

The rest of their date was them going to see a movie, walking around the nearby park, and Bokuto excitedly pointing out any and everything he found interesting. Akaashi listened with a smile and slowly reached down to hold Bokuto's hand. Bokuto got the message and grabbed Akaashi's hand, intertwining their fingers.

This caused Akaashi to smile a bit more than he anticipated, which meant that Bokuto's grin got wider as he teased his blushing kōhai. It was getting late, which means that Akaashi and Bokuto had to go home. Bokuto had offered to walk Akaashi home, and he agreed.

When it was time for them to bid their goodbyes and go their separate ways, Akaashi had looked to Bokuto as he unlocked his door. "B-Bokuto...c-can I kiss you goodbye...?" His words were quiet but heard by his Senpai. "A-Are you sure..!? I-I mean..I-I'm a guy..n-not that i don't WANT to kiss you...I-It's just that m-maybe you should have a first kiss with a girl cause you might've been joking about today and-" Bokuto's nervous rambling was cut short by Akaashi placing a finger on his lips. "Bokuto, I wasn't joking when I asked you out. I really do like you. There is no need to worry." Akaashi smiles a bit as he pecked Bokuto's lips and walked inside his house. He waved a little and had a shy smile. "I'll see you at school Bokuto. Get home safe." He closed the door behind him, leaning against it as he covered his lovesick smile with the back of his hand. His face getting warmer by the second.

Meanwhile Bokuto dumbly nodded as he walked away, it took him a moment to realize what had happened. He shouted a small "Yes!" As he jumped into the air, punching it victoriously.

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