Don't Apologize (🏳️‍🌈)

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Third Person's P.O.V

Thomas had summoned Virgil, Roman, Patton, and Logan in for a small q&a. What he didn't know was that one of the questions asked Virgil a very personal question and he got defensive about it. This had raised some suspicions and scared Patton. Patton knew the honest answer but swore to Virgil that he would keep it a secret. Roman decided to pester the anxious trait until Virgil snapped and started shouting at the creative one. Patton backed himself against his wall, trying to calm everyone down. Logan was standing there, arms crossed, and trying to give some input. Thomas watched with fear as he stopped filming and tried calming Virgil down.

"Guys...maybe we should stop this and settle down." Patton was on the verge of tears as he was shouted at by the arguing duo. He tensed up and looked down silently. The realization hit the two and they had stopped. "Patton...I-I didn't mean to yell at you..." Patton nodded with a small but fake smile. "It's okay kiddo." No one noticed the fakeness of the smile, other than Logan.

Roman had a guilty face. "Are you okay Padre..? Virgil and I really didn't mean to yell at you, it was an accident." Patton waved his hands dismissively with another fake smile. "I-It's really okay kiddo! You don't need to worry." Thomas looked at Patton with a pitiful expression. "Patton, are you okay? You look a little shaken up."

Patton nodded quickly. "I-I'm totally fine kiddo! Hey! H-How about I make us some snacks to calm down!" Before anyone could say anything, Patton sunk out. No one noticed the quick mood change with Patton at the last second when Patton sunk out. Apart from the extremely observative trait named Logan. "I'll go check on him," Logan stated before sinking out.

When Logan appeared in the mind palace kitchen, Patton was nowhere to be seen. There was nothing out of place, and everything was still. "So I was right..." Logan furrowed his brows and swiftly turned to the hallway. "I'm certain he is in there." He quietly walked to the bedroom door of Patton and gently placed an ear on the door. His chest hurt when he heard sniffles, hiccups, and broken sobs coming from the usually happy trait. He knew that Patton wasn't a fan of being sad when it came to personal things like events such as this. But Logan has seen the trait cry during movies and nature documentaries. So, the logical trait made the connection of Patton only crying when it was not affecting himself personally. Though the reason is unknown to him.

Logan softly knocked on the door and cleared his throat. "Patton? It's me, Logan. Can I come in?" He heard rustling coming from inside and a small 'yes' from the other side of the door. Logan slowly turned the knob and opened the door. He saw Patton in his cat onesie, sitting on his bed, and under the blankets. The tv was on and playing a movie, it seemed to have barely started since Logan knew that movie by heart. He has watched it countless times with Patton when both of them were alone or stressed. Which was surprisingly often.

Logan had carefully walked over to Patton and sat down at the end of the bed. "Now Patton, I know I may not be the best when it comes to emotions, but it takes an idiot to know that there is something wrong with you right now. Would you mind telling me what is making you upset?" Patton sat up, looking down at his lap. "I-It's nothing Logan. D-Don't wor-" Patton was cut off by Logan moved closer and gently cupped his face with one hand. His thumb gently rubbing against the other's cheek. "Patton. You said lying is bad. So why are you lying to me? I heard you crying, I saw through your act, and I can tell that you've been crying because of the little pieces of tissue around your nose and cheeks, as well as your eyes being puffy." Patton gasped a bit at the sudden and affectionate action from Logan. He felt his face heat up from the close proximity, and the feeling of someone caring for him made him tear up.

Logan's stoic but caring face turned into one of concern as he quickly pulled away his hand. "Did I say something to upset you? If so I sincerely apologize." Those five words brought a sad smile to Patton's face as he attached himself to Logan by a hug. "L-Logan..y-you did nothing wrong...a-and you don't have to apologize!" Patton gently squeezed the other in his arms as he felt tears roll down his face and onto Logan's shoulder. Logan moved a bit so that Patton was comfortably on his lap and he hugged Patton back just as tightly. Patton pulled away and wiped some of the stray tears with his wrist. "S-Sorry Lo..I-I got-"

Logan placed a finger on Patton's lips and had a small but subtle smile. "Patton. You don't need to apologize either. It's okay to cry for yourself, and it's okay to let your emotions control your actions from time to time. I have noticed that you're always apologizing but you've never gotten apologized to. Just like today. Virgil and Roman didn't say that they were sorry, but if you were in their shoes, you would have immediately apologized. You need to be selfish with your emotions from time to time." Patton let out a small laugh as he hugged Logan tightly. This action caused Logan to lean back a bit too far and fall onto the bed. Patton hugging him and on top.

Patton got up a bit and started rambling an apology but stopped when Logan let out a small snort, then started breaking out into laughter. " don't need to apologize for that." Patton smiled, seeing Logan smile and laugh made his heart beat faster. "Right."

Logan calmed down, but a smile was still on his face as he caught his breath from laughing. Patton had a shy smile as he took a breath to give himself confidence. "Lo..I'm gonna do something and not apologize." Logan's left brow quirked up as he looked at Patton with a puzzled expression. "Okay..? What are you-" Logan was cut off as Patton placed his lips against Logan's. It was a quick kiss but it caused Logan's face to flush and his response was almost incoherent.

Patton let out a small giggle as he had a shy smile. Logan's heart was pounding as he now was making sense of what had just happened. "P-Patton...y-you kissed me..why..?" Patton playfully rolled his eyes as he tapped Logan's nose. "Lo, I kissed you because I like you. A lot actually." Logan sat up and furrowed his brows. "Are you sure? I mean, I like you that way as well, but you better not be messing-" Logan was cut off again by Patton kissing him again. This time, longer to get the message across.

"Would I kiss someone I didn't like, twice?" Logan fixed his glasses a bit. "I-I don't think so." Patton's smile grew as he hugged Logan tightly. "Does this mean we can finally be boyfriends?" Logan stuttered out a response but gave up since you had to be some sort of alien to understand what he said. A short nod with a smile was his final answer, and that was good enough for Patton.

Logan and Patton now were in their onesies, watching Patton's favorite movie. The blankets were pulled up just enough to cover them, and Patton was settled between Logan's arms. The door swung open as Roman held it open for Virgil who was holding a tray of cookies, hot cocoa, and a card. The four of them looked at each other silently and Roman cleared his throat. "Virgil and I uh...we realized we haven't apologized so we made this for you seems that you're feeling better padre." Virgil set down the tray in front of the glasses-wearing duo. "I'll go make you some coffee." Logan smiled a bit and gave a small nod. "Thank you, Virgil. Would you two like to join us?" Virgil and Roman looked at each other, then looked at the others with a small smile. "Sure. We'll be right back."

And that is how the four sides who were previously not in the best place, now are watching movies, wearing onesies, eating cookies, and enjoying each other's company. 

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