27: Full Vampire Turning Can Take a Few Days

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Billie's pov

My eyes shot open as I sat up on my bed, groaning. A piercing throbbing pain shot through my head. Immediately, my hand was held against it.

This is so weird... whoa... did my thoughts get louder? My head is killing me... how long have I been out? Shit... where's Roxanna!?

"Oh, you're finally awake." She spoke, walking in, and sitting beside me on the blood red bed.

"How long have I been out?"

"A few days."

"A few days!?"

"You slept through the pain! Be grateful! When I was turned I was screaming like a stoner who'd just been denied his fix!" She then sighed, heavily, "Am I gonna have to walk you through all the vampire junk?"

"Nah, I've eaten enough blood suckers to know how to do this," I stood up, running my now frozen cold fingers through my hair, "Damn, I really gotta piss."

"And I didn't need to know that." She said as I walked towards the bathroom just a few feet away.

"Damn, I really gotta piss!" I spat, waltzing into the bathroom and shutting the door.

Quietly, I did my business, once done I turned around towards the mirror. As soon as my eyes met my own, they stuck like a buzzing fly that had landed on a popsicle on the most sunniest of days.

My eyes... they're so much... brighter... like neon... and my skin... not quite white... but not all gray either...

Holding up my hand, I spun it around as my light colored fingers danced about. Then, a nasty idea came to my mind. Along with it came a sick smirk across my face. Bringing my other hand up, I watched as I held them together. Just then, I pulled down on my right hand as hard as I could.

Quiet, painful groans slipped through my lips until I had fully pulled my hand back. Breaking the bone and disconnecting it almost completely from the wrist. Blood dripped out as my hand was only held by a thread of what I could only assume to be some sort of joint.

The pain was unbearable, but patiently I watched as my hand reconstructed itself entirely. Curiously, I gazed as the blood droplets found their way back home. A strange, yet slightly painful tingle fled through my skin. Finally, my hand was brought back to normal. It was as if nothing had happened. Wow... that was sick... and now... my powers...

Smirking once more, I started simple. Bat... I can turn into a bat... let's do this...

Eyes on the mirror, I didn't even have to think as I turned into the creature. Wait... what the fuck happened!? Why am I in the sink!? I should be flying! I know how to fly! Why don't I have any- shit...

Taking a look at myself, it appeared as if I had turned into a snake. Examining myself, it seemed as if I was the same color as the very light grey I sported on my vampire skin. Without even thinking I had switched back, feet on the floor. Powers...

I stared into the mirror, trying every power I could think of. Nothing worked. Ugh... how the hell do I do this!? There's no way I'm asking Roxanna for help... she'd- wait...

Carefully, I stepped closer towards the mirror. My vampire body had completely transformed into Roxanna's. Long black hair fell over my gray skin that seemed to be just a shade or two darker than my own. I snickered.

"Sick..." Wow... I even sound like her... what if...

A nice idea came to mind causing Roxanna to be replaced by a certain dark haired vampire I wanted dead. I chuckled to myself as his hazel eyes stared back at me.

"Oh, Gerard..."

I eyed myself up and down, taking a good look at my new body. Slowly, my fingers wandered around this corpse I now occupied. Another smirk appeared, and my hands went down the pants. But my fingers were only met with black fabric that should've held what I was looking for.

"What the hell!?" I opened my pants, nothing appeared, "That's total bull! I get everything but the fun parts! Ugh..." My hands held the side edges of the sink. In an instant, I was miss jellybean, "Wait..."

Her shoulders and upper arms were completely invisible. Pulling my pants up to my thighs, there was nothing. Kicking off my shoes, there were no feet. It's just the bits I've seen!? Shit... that's lame... what else can I do?

Focusing, I shut my eyes, just trying to get something to happen. There was nothing, that is, until I opened my eyes. Another me stood in the mirror. Gazing towards the handsome man beside me, he did exactly as I did.


"Hello?" He mirrored. I did a little jump, he did too. My eyes went back to the mirror for a moment, then I shoved my face towards him, sticking my tongue out and looking absolutely ridiculous. He did the exact same.

"Shit..." I whispered.

"Shit..." He whispered. Then, I turned myself into Gerard. The Billie in front of me did not, he only copied my movements.

Then, I snapped my fingers, he disappeared. Neat...

"Roxanna!" I called, opening the bathroom door.

"What is it?" She now stood in front of me in the doorway.

"I gotta show you this!" In an instant, my skeleton had become hers. She just stood there, shocked.

"Oh my god, that's what I look like in this top!? I need to change!" She cried. I now wore her clothes as well as her skin. Weird... she was in my clothes in the bathroom...

"No! I'm you!"

"Yeah, I know. You're a vampire, you do vampire things. That's how it works." She turned away.

"Wait!" She turned back, I summoned my clone.

"Seriously? That's what you can do? Lame..."

"It's not lame! Also, I can do this!" My vampire body then turned into a venomous snake.

"A snake? I've never seen a vampire turn into a snake." I switched back.

"Me too! I expected bat..." She hummed.

"Oh, wait," Her eyes lit up for a moment, "I think I have an idea."

"For what?"

"To get Gerard, dumb ass!" She cried, leaning her back against the fancy red wallpaper. I took a seat at the end of my pretty red bed that matched the walls.

"So, what is it?"

"Not entirely sure yet, but I'm sure it'll be good. Can you turn into jellybean?" I did so.

"I can be anyone you want, sweetheart." My voice sounded just like hers. In an instant I was back to my own skin and bones.


Smthn bad's about to happen!!! And I'm excited!! Y'know I don't think I ever actually described Billie's room to you guys! Idk why. I mean, it's just very red lmao. Easier to hide the blood, plus hardwood floors. Again, easier to get the blood out than carpeting. Have a joyous day~peace out cheesebags

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