30: There's Always a Key Under the Doormat

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Your pov

Suddenly, my eyes opened wide as I sat up. I was on a pretty red bed with a fancy pattern all around it. A brown metal bed frame ran above the edges of the bed, transparent red curtains had been pulled open. The walls matched the bed spread as they were also red with a fancy pattern all over. Where am I?

Quietly, I stepped onto the lightly colored hardwood floor. Making my way to the door, it had been left open. Foolishly, I tip toed out, immediately being met with Roxanne.

"And where do you think you're going?" She asked, walking back towards the bedroom, and stoping in front of me, "Just cause I took a quick break doesn't mean you're allowed out." Her eyes went white, taking control of me.

Before she could do anything, I awoke once again. My breathing was heavy. Everything that had happened in my dream hit me, and I searched for some sort of weapon. Getting up, I quietly stepped around the room. There's nothing!

Finally, I gave up and just took the chair from the desk set next to what I could only assume to be the bathroom. Jars of eyeballs, fingers, and toenails sat at the edge of the desk, immediately making me feel sick. But I didn't have time for that, so I stood beside the door, awaiting Roxanne's arrival.

Gripping the chair tight, a dark haired woman walked through the door, and I hit her over the head. She fell to the floor. I dropped the chair and dashed out the door, not bothering to take a look around the place. Eventually, I found my way out and hid behind a tree.

"Jellybean? Oh, where have you gone?" She asked, stepping outside what I now realized to be Billie's warehouse.

My breathing was kept calm as she wandered around. As this went on, I hadn't even realized my fingers had wrapped around the little necklace Gerard had given me. I'll find him again... soon...

"Come out come out wherever you are, jellybean..." She snickered, "You can't hide forever..." I need to get out of here... soon...

"Jellybean..." Adjusting my footing position, I had foolishly stepped on a small twig. She began coming towards me, "Oh I know where you are!" Shit...

She got fairly close, but I took off. My feet didn't know where to go, but they knew it had to be away from her. Roxanne ran fast behind me, but I was faster.

Then somehow, I had ended up outside my house, quickly I dug for the keys under the welcome mat, unlocked the door, and shut it, seconds before she could get me. Happily, I sighed, pressing my back to the door, and sliding down it. Yes... I beat her... Gerard... I'm coming home...

"Um... hi?" Startled, I looked up from the floor. A man with brown eyes and shaggy brown hair stood there with a bowl of cereal in one hand and a spoon in the other.

"Oh shit, I don't live here anymore..." The man looked really confused.

"What are you doing in my house?" He asked.

"Hiding, from that thing," I pointed to the door, "You're gonna wanna close your blinds, if she sees you, she can possess you." His eyes went wide.

"And, who are you? Exactly?"

"Y/n, I lived here for awhile. Sorry, I didn't realize someone had moved in already."

"Well I mean, this place is super nice, and great price, too!"

"I know, right! I felt like I was being scammed or something." I stood up from the floor.

"Oh, I'm Ryan," He smiled.


"Do you want something to eat? Or anything?"

"Um, if you don't mind."

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