29: Late Night Talks with the Boys Can Kill the Cannibal

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Gerard's pov

As I eyed the clock beside the bed, Y/n slept soundly beside me. The clock read 2:05 there was no sleep in sight for me. Coming to that conclusion, I slipped away from her and quietly stepped out into the living room. Frank sat on the couch already.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Hey, can't sleep?"

"Nah," I answered, sitting down.

"Me neither."

"So, has Y/n been acting weird? Or is it just me?" Frank shrugged, just as a door opened and Pete joined us, "I dunno why, I just feel like something's off with her."

"Could be the vampire turning." Pete said, sitting with us.

"Yeah, but she was fine before we left. Pete, you were with her. Did something happen?"

"I dunno, I was knocked unconscious by a certain someone." He referred to Frank.

"That wasn't me! Gerard, tell him! I was with you guys the whole time."

"He was with us the whole time. Did you do something to her?"

"No! Why would I!?"

"You keep saying I knocked you out when I was gone the whole time!" Just then a guy with dark curly hair walked through the hall and into the kitchen.

"Joe! Did I do anything to Gerard's girlfriend while they were out?" Joe just stared at Pete for a moment.

"No," He said, eating a bowl of chips.

"He's a half vampire with lie detection! See! I'm clean!" Pete cried, "Frank knocked me out," Joe nodded, "See! I'm not the culprit!"

"Fine, Joe, I didn't knock out Pete." Frank said, Joe nodded.

"Wait, what the fuck? That's really weird..." Pete said. Mikey then came out and sat next to Pete, "And where were you guys when I got knocked out?"

"Me and the guys went out. Except for Patrick and Drac of course." Joe explained.

"Patrick?" I asked, "Where's he been?"

"Attic, he's been hiding there since you guys got here. He feels so terrible about what happened."

"Good! He shot my best friend!" Frank cried, then Joe left the room.

"Drac?" Mikey asked, "Like, Dracula? Thee Dracula!? I thought he was dead..."

"No it's just the guy who was bit by Dracula's last carrier. Thee Dracula died thousands of years ago. But he bit some guy who carried on the Dracula name and before he died he bit someone and so on and so on. Before they can actually do anything they have to do this "eternal sleep", it's just for like a hundred years."

"Really? Wow, how long has this one been here?" As Mikey asked, Ray came out and joined us.

"Patrick estimated sixty to seventy years. He's been here since before we moved in."

"What'll happen when he wakes up?" Mikey asked.

"Either he'll try to take over the world or wanna kill every human in sight."

"Oh..." Mikey said, "Y'know, something's been bugging my senses and I dunno what it is."

"Really? It's not just me? My sniffer is being so weird!" Frank explained, "Ever since we got back from that stupid thing last night."

"Yeah, me too!" Mikey said, "Y'know what else was weird? When I passed Y/n in the hall last night, my hands shook like crazy. I just got super freaked out. My anxiety just sky rocketed. Something's not right with her."

"She's been acting weird with me too," I spoke, "When we got back from that thing, we were in our room and she... she called me hot." They sent strange looks.

"Hot? Isn't that a good thing?" Pete asked.

"It should be, but, she usually doesn't use those sort of words. Everything just felt, weirdly sexual with her. It's never been like that."

"When did that start, Gee?" Mikey asked.

"After we came back. She was fine before, I dunno what happened."

"Y/n called me hot stuff when we crossed paths in the hallway." Ray confessed.

"I'm telling you guys, something weir-" The sounds of a door shutting came from the hallway, everyone shut up as she just stood beside the hallway entrance.

"What's going on?" She asked, concerned.

"Oh, nothing jellybean," I got up and walked to her, "Did we wake you?"

"Uhm... yeah... what's going on?" She asked again.

"Nothing, everything's fine," I took her hand, "Why don't you go back to bed?" She pulled away.

"Gerard, what's going on?"

"There's nothing going on!"

"Maybe we should," Mikey began, "Talk to her."

"About what?" She asked, passing me and taking a seat. I sat beside her, Mikey's hands began shaking, Frank wouldn't quit eyeing her.

"You, something's up with you! You've been acting weird." Frank said.

"Have I? I'm sorry. Must be my changing." She brushed off.

"Okay, see! That's what I said!" Pete cried.

"Gee, can we go back to bed?" She asked.

"Sure, pumpkin..." We both got up and began towards our bedroom, "Night' guys."


"Uhm, I'm gonna go to the bathroom for a minute."

"Aight, don't be gone too long." I kissed her cheek, she smiled, then walked away. Maybe it really is nothing... ugh... it's still tugging at me... something's off...

Billie's(aka you) pov

Quickly, I slipped into the bathroom. I could barely take it any longer, shutting the door I transformed back into my regular body. I can't keep up with this all the time... and they're onto me! Already! Ugh...

My eyes stuck to my eyes in the mirror as I switched back into the girls skin. Examining myself, I made sure I looked perfect for my boy. I gotta act sweet... I'm his girl... I wish I was his boy... but if this is what I gotta do... stay sweet... create chaos...

Without even thinking, my fingers ran down this corpse I occupied. Spots were still missing. Sadly, it was only the messy parts I didn't have. If only... Gerard and I... oh... wouldn't that be nice?

Suddenly, I found myself looking down my shirt, quickly I pulled away. Who am I kidding? Even if I could see them it's not like I'd actually want too... I may be bi... but only cause girls taste real good... but boys... Gerard... oh... I wish he'd see me the way he sees her... I need him so bad...

Finally, I stepped out of the bathroom and quietly walked to the bedroom. A group of boys still sat around the living room, but I didn't mind them.

"Gerard?" I whispered, tip toeing towards the bed.

"Pop tart?" He whispered back. Smiling, I climbed into bed. His arms went around me as I didn't face him. Tiredly, he buried his face into the back of my neck. My heart raced fast from his touch. He's so close... ugh... I love this... I never want this to end... it's such a good feeling...

"Goodnight, sweetheart." He whispered.

"Goodnight, babe." I whispered back, smirking as my eyes flashed bright neon green for just a second before drifting off to sleep.

Ahhhhh Billie's so much fun to write for!!! It's so fun!! He's so evil!!! Anyways, next chapters gonna be real epic. Have a sweet day~peace out cheesebags

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