16: If He Won't Eat You, the Cannibal Will Gladly Do So

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Your pov

Gerard went home, leaving the orange pill bottle on the counter. I took one, just before getting ready for bed. The moon shone bright through the open slit of the curtains, leaving a strand of light across the floor. I laid in bed with my eyes on the ceiling. My mind went a million miles a minute.

Is Gerard okay? I hope he doesn't take the things I said to heart... it wouldn't just kill him... it'd kill me, too... It always feels so weird when he's not staying over... his side looks so empty... this weekend was so strange... so so strange...

I rolled over to a more comfortable position, I need to get some sleep... I have work in the morning... ugh, work... I wish I could spend my days with Gerard instead...

After a minute or two, the thoughts slowly vanished as my eyes gave into the drowsiness.

In the morning, my alarm went off. My eyes opened, staring up at the ceiling, once again. Slowly getting up, I shut off the alarm, and got ready for another day at work. Downstairs, I spotted the bottle, One in the morning... one at night...

I took one of the little white pills, shoved a pop tart in my mouth, and was off. The bike ride was almost like any other day, almost, Why does it feel like I'm being followed?

I took a look around as I pulled up to the restaurant. But everything seemed normal as ever, I'm just being paranoid... I'm fine... I must be tired or something...

Calming myself down, I walked inside to the back. I pulled on my apron and things I needed for the day. The rest of the work day went on like any normal work day. Nothing out of the ordinary, or even strange at all, Yeah, I was being paranoid... everything's fine...

Walking out the big doors, it began to get dark, with my mind completely occupied with things going on. It was too occupied by other things going on. To the point where I almost ran into someone.

"Oh geez! I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention!" I apologized.

"You're fine, baby girl." The man said, is he a vampire? He definitely looks the part...

"Uh, I should get going. Again, I'm so sorry." He stepped aside, allowing me by.

"It's no problem. No problem at all..." I rode away as he trailed, creepy...

"Y'know what, love?" My bike was halted to a stop when a hand grabbed at the handlebars. The same man stood there. His green eyes shown bright, "Actually, it's quite fine, in fact, it's almost fantastic," He leaned close, "You're a pretty little thing, aren't ya? No wonder Gerard has you hanging around him all the time." Who is this guy? He knows Gerard... maybe he's okay? But he feels so off...

"Who are you?" I finally asked, terrified.

"Who? Me?" Why of course, you're the only one here...

"Yeah, are you... are you a vampire?"

"What!? A vampire!?" He snickered, "You mean to tell me, Gerard never told you?"

"Told me what?"

"Told you about me, of course."

"Who are you?" I tried, once again. He held a smirk.

"Who am I? Well, I'm no vampire, that's for sure. The name's Billie. I'm a... a friend of Gerard's... I guess you could say..." He chuckled.

"Oh, well I'm-"

"Yes, I know exactly who you are!" I was gonna say I'm gonna go home... but okay then...

"Y/n L/n, pretty, kind," He leaned on the handle bars and brought a hand to my face, "Young, naive, and out right oblivious. It's so cute how you think he's actually in love with you." He chuckled, who does he think he is? He does love me... of course he loves me... why wouldn't he?

He let go of my face and just smirked, "He's just gonna eat ya."

"No he won't, he wouldn't do that." I tried pushing passed him, but his grip was too strong for me.

"You really think so? Wait," He chuckled once more, "He's already tried to!" His short chuckles soon turned into something more sickly and cynical, "What's his stupid little nickname for you again? Lollipop?"


"Jellybean! See, it's just code for, 'I'm gonna eat ya!'" He laughed even more, "Anyways, I bet you'd be real tasty."


"I said, I bet you'd be real tasty. I'm bored of talking, let's get outta here, why don't we?"

"No, I have to get home..."

"Oh jellybean, you have no choice!" I screamed as he pushed back on the bike so I fell. I tried to get up. He held me down with merely his boot, so screams and wails escaped from my lips, mimicking those of a child who didn't get their way.

"Oh, that's a no no. Screaming is just gonna make it worse! No one's around to save you, anyways. Everyone's home, safe, and y'know, not willing to risk their lives for a silly ignorant little girl," He pressed harder into my back, "Roxy was right, you're just a no good human girl! Weak scum! Your sweetheart Gerard won't be able to save you this time, girlie."

"I thought... I thought you said you weren't a vampire..." I sobbed.

"Oh I'm not, I'm just a regular man. If a regular man likes the taste of blood," At the sound of this, I tried even harder to get loose, "No need to fear. I just... I just wanna eat ya! That's all," He leaned down, getting a good look at me, "Gerard tells me you're a real sweet girl, is that right?" He didn't wait for a response, "Oh, the sweet ones always taste the best!" He chuckled.

I need to get out of here... how do I get out? Home... it's just right there... Josh...

"Let me go!" I screamed, loud.

"I said! Screaming will only make it worse! Shut up!" He pushed me even more against the cold sidewalk with his gigantic combat boot shoved against my back.

"Let go of me!" I screamed as loud as I could, but there was no sign of him.

"That's it! I'm done with you!" He found a good sized rock, and collided it with the side of my head. It only made me cry even more, a light turned on at Josh's. Just before the rock collided with my head, once more, and I was out like a light.

Guess who has ideas now? That's right, it's me B) I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, I think it's really cool. Especially the second half. I hope you guys liked it too! And it turns out there's a lot of people who actually like this story! Who knew? So that's given me more motivation to come up with stuff to happen. With that said, we'll probably get to explore some more interesting characters along the way. Plus even something interesting from a character we already know? Maybe? We'll just have to wait and see! Have an extra epic day~peace out cheesebags

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