Chapter 1

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~ Sarahs P.O.V ~

So for the first time I'm going on a trip with Luke, except I was a but annoyed I had to spend it with his brothers and friends as well, but Jai and beau had their girlfriends coming too, so I guess I was happy about that. When we arrived at the beach house, of course me and Luke were put in the same room, then there was Beau, Johanna and Nikita, Skip and James and lastly Jai and Lucy together. 

After we setteled in, my head was flooding with thoughts. I kept getting overwhelmed that I'd muck something up this weekend, I had always been a bit worried that Luke would pressure me into doing something I wasn't ready for or that he'd talk about what happened the other day? 

I decided to take my mind of my problems, and think about something else. I had noticed the past few days how Beau had been acting funny around Nikita and Johanna, was something going on? Had something happened between them that we didn't know about? What could it be? I had recently became friends with Nikita and Johanna because I was the 'latest edition' to the Brooks brothers home, and I didn't want to ruin that by asking Beau what was going on? Maybe he'll come to Luke or Jai for help, and as usual I'd find out that way.

~ Johannas P.O.V ~ 


I have been really good friends with Beau for the past 2 years, and then after he had started YouTube videos with his brothers and friends and had gotten really popular, we had sorta drifted apart when they hit 300,000 subscribers. But couple of months ago, we re-connected, Beau had realized how he put me in the dark during the time I thought he would need me the most. He invited me on a friendly-date, where we bonded like once before. That night when he took me back home, I felt a real connection between us, like we were meant to bond that way at this time in our friendship, like I wanted to kiss him right then as he stopped the car? I knew I couldn't do that, it'd ruin our friendship, so I just gave him a friendly hug and got out of the car. That night I knew I had developed feelings for my good friend, my good friend who was Beau, Beau who was that guy I always adored, that guy I adored that had become YouTube famous, that famous Youtuber who I knew would never like that way. After a month of dealing with my crush I couldn't act on, Beau had met someone. Her name was Nikita. I thought to myself how could he move on that fast, but then I realised we were never together. I had been obsessed with Beau too much this month, that I had forgotten we were 'just friends' and that he didn't know I liked him. I had to let it go, he had found a new girl to play with, but thats the problem I wasn't sure if they were dating or just friends, I couldn't bring myself to ask because I had tried to avoid Beau as much as I could this past week. 

After a few days, I had to see him, I had to tell him how I felt before I did something stupid. As I walked up to his house I heard Beau talking to someone, the front door was open, but the wire door was shut, but I could easyly hear him and as I got closer I could see them through the wire of the door. It was Beau and Nikita, my heart sank every time I saw them together and I would just walk the other way when I saw them. I was too focused on my feelings right now, I wasn't listening to what they were saying. Then out of no where I saw Beau kiss Nikita, my heart literally dropped of what I was seeing, did I miss my chance? Did I miss my chance because I avoided him last week, or was I just not 'that girl' that could make him feel special like that? I started running, I ran as far as I could, but then I stopped, my eyes started tearing up, I started bursting into tears in the middle of the street. I walked home from there, thinking about how I missed my chance that could of changed my life, why didn't beau see the real me? The me that could take care of him and cherish him till the day I stop breathing. Days past, and I couldn't face Beau without bursting into tears, the way he flaunted Nikita around made feel feel like crap, like I wasn't good enough? After days of mouning in my room I had finally stepped out of my house, is was raining outside I couldn't tell people faces that walked and pushed by me. But then I heard a familiar voice I could tell by the way he talked, it was James. James had always been like a big brother to me, he made feel safe and he was always there when I needed him, I hadn't seen James in weeks because he was caught up in exams at school and he went to Perth for a few days visiting Veronica. I also heard more voices talking; Jai, Skip........and Beau. Just the sound of his voice made my eyes water up, I could feel my face clenching up and getting more watery as the boys voices got closer. As it was pouring raining all I could see was 4 black figures, as I was so small, they wouldn't been able to see me on the side of the foot path. I couldn't move, my feet were grounded to the ground and it got more hard to move as they were just metres away. Then all of a sudden someone bumped into me and i fell to the ground, i quickly got up and wiped my drenched hair out of my face to see who it was Beau. He said 'hi' to me and that single word made me burst into tears. All the boys asked me what was wrong, and Beau cut in and told them to go and that he would handle it, which I didn't like. The boys walked away, and Beau waited until they were out of sight to talk to me. He asked what was wrong? And I cried even more, I finally brought myself to tell him how I felt; "Beau..I have been holding this in for months now... For the past few weeks I haven't been able to face you without crying, and I couldn't hold it in anymore, I saw you the other day with Nikita and your house and I saw yous kiss, and that broke my heart..I have been avoiding you, and i have all these feelings for you that I cant act on...I'm sorry....but...I love you Beau". Beau was speechless, did what I just say make him look at me like that? After a few moments out of no where he kissed me for a minute, and then he hesitated and quickly said sorry and then ran off. He left me there? Without an answer? In the rain, and completely speechless? And we were going on that trip this weekend! What was going to happen? Do I go, was I still welcome in Beaus life now? What do I do? Pretend like it never happened? Or just run away and forget Beau was apart of my life?


Continued in Chapter 2.... :)


I hope you enojyed chapter 1? It's my first fan fiction so sorry its a bit rusty?! Please favourite, reblog and comment?  I apologise for any spell check errors! 

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