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If thoughts ever cross your mind
to end this very life you have known
Please don't do it, for you hold beauty
and in this world you are not alone.

Hang on for a little while, choose this
life for endless lessons and memories.
I know things aren't going right but  this phase will end soon, give up these worries.

Problems come but there's a solution too, there is nothing that lasts long.
YOU won't live this moment tomorrow, this life is a masterpiece of never-ending song.

You need time, and you will get better see there's sunshine after the darkest night.
No pain, no gain, there's nothing to lose from here, give yourself a deserving fight.

You are allowed to be weak, you can ask for help, there's no wrong in being feeble.
You are important, and mean so much, don't get fooled by handful of weasels.

If you are looking for a sign and this world just becomes more intolerant to tackle.
Don't lose hope, for when the door closes that's the moment it makes way for miracle.

If you are looking for a sign to not end it just think of reasons you're still giving a try.
Remember when the caterpillar thought this world was over, it did become a butterfly.

YOU are kind. YOU are beautiful.
YOU are worth it. YOU are more than true.
YOU are lovely. YOU are gorgeous.
YOU are amazing. YOU're perfect in being you.


I wrote this poem in less than an hour. The thought of writing this just clicked on my mind. I just wanted to write this for I am hopeful maybe my voice could end up somewhere it is necessary. Just don't ever give up on this life. This moment, this life is more than beautiful and just because of a bad day or two, don't let it overshadow on the bigger picture.

I love you. I am here for you when you have no one to talk to.

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