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Characters who will be Playing
- Pucca
- Garu
- Tobe
- Abyo
- Ching
- RingRing
- Dandy
- Ssoso
- Shaman
- Chief
- Dada
- Ayo
- Casano

To split the boys and girlies, here:

- Pucca
- Ching
- Ringing
- Chief

- Dada
- Ssoso
- Shaman
- Abyo
- Tobe
- Garu
- Dandy
- Ayo
- Casano

There might be slight adult content such as:
- Alcohol
- Sexual stuff
- Possible mention of Drugs
- Possible mention of suicide/depression
- Cussing

~ In this Story they all are over 18 or are 18 ~

- Pucca : 18
- Garu : 19
- Tobe : 21
-Abyo : 18
-Ching : 18
-RingRing : 18
- Chief : 18
- Dada : 20
- Ayo : 20
- Casano : 18
- Dandy : 20
- Ssoso : 20
- Shaman : 20

Alright now let's begin the introduction!!

Pucca's POV

It's been forever since I saw all my friends and enemies in the same spot, yet here we all are.

*A little before the incident..*

Pucca yawned as her got out of bed. Today was the day she moved out of her apartment! Pucca sighed and put on some decent clothes, a red turtleneck and a red skirt. Pucca added some long socks, but not knee high socks. She put her hair in two buns and looked at herself in the mirror. She shook her head in disapproval, then looked around her room to find something to add to her look. She sees a pink hoodie and wears it. She nods to affirm she made a good decision, for she likes this addition to her look.

Pucca smiles to herself and looks around her room. She sighs as she knows what's next, the thing she is dreading to do all on her own; Packing. She shakes her head once again and let's out a deep sigh, knowing it's inevitable. Pucca then walks around to one side of her room where she kept all the boxes in and then opens them up, and places them onto the center of the dorm room. She starts to pack up her stuff as she thinks about her arrival back in Sooga Village.

Pucca rememberers everything back home. The cooking, the continuous fighting and working. She frowns once she remembers about her all of her former friends and Enemies. And how they all split apart once Tobe left for his first year of high school. The image of what happened struck Pucca, it was such a vivid memory to her. One she wished to forget...

She remembered how once Tobe turned 16, he was sent to school for the first time and forever. Pucca rememberers how Tobe was so sad that day, that he apologized to everyone about everything he's ever done. That was the first time he ever apologized to Pucca and the first time she saw him smile at her.

She blushed at the very remembrance of his soft kind eyes and his good looks. Pucca slapped her cheeks and shook her head violently, in hopes to stop her mind to wander off Tobe. She sighs and continues on fixing the room and thinking about the past. Pucca rememberers that Tobe apologized to Pucca first and then went his was down. Until the final person, Garu.


At this point, Pucca, Abyo, Ching, and I looked at one another and decided to follow Tobe, of course he didn't know we were following him. But at the time, we thought he knew. Once we got to Garu's house, Tobe knocked the door. When Garu answered the door, he stepped back in shock of seeing his arch enemy on his own doorsteps. He grabbed his sword and was about to attack Tobe. That's when Ching and Abyo stepped in.

Truth Or Dare | Pucca Edition Where stories live. Discover now