Kenma X Reader

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Hey guys! This chapter was requested peggingjin! Enjoy!

(H/c) =Hair Color
(E/c) =Eye Color
(S/c) =Skin Color
(F/f) =Favorite Food
(F/d) =Favorite Drink
(F/n) =First Name
(L/n) =Last Name
(H/l) =Hair Length

Third Person P.O.V

(Y/N) was running late to class, and to make matters worse, it was raining cats and dogs outside, and she forgot her umbrella. She groaned and put her backpack over her head as she ran as fast as she could, trying her best to stay dry, but to no avail. She finally arrived and darted up the stairs to her class, practically slamming the door open, startling everyone in class with her appearance. Her usual neat (H/l) (H/c) was dripping wet and her fringe stuck to her forehead, partially covering her eyes. Her uniform was also soaking wet, and slightly clung to her body. She silently took her seat and got her materials out, which, wouldn't you know it, were also soaked. She sighed and pressed her hands to her face, when she felt a tap on her shoulder, so she looked next to her, and saw her crush, Kenma, gesturing to his book and to her, telling her they could share. She smiled gratefully and nodded, thanking him silently for saving her grade. After class, she was walking to her next class, when a voice called out to her.
"(Y/n)! Hey!", she turned around and saw Kuroo, one of the most popular boys in school, calling out to her. She stopped and walked towards him, and stood in front of him, waiting for what he had to say. " Hey. Kenma was wondering if you would want to go with him to get some food after school. At that new cafe. So, how bout it?", the volleyball captain asked, smiling slightly. She thought it over, and nodded, making him smile bigger, and thank her, before walking away. She smiled to herself, a blush blooming across her face as she walked to her class, already wanting school to be over. When the dreadful school day finally finished, she rushed home and changed out of her school uniform into a more comfortable outfit(Reader's choice), then went to the cafe Kuroo told her about, and waited. After about ten minutes, she finally spotted Kenma walking towards her, clearly not noticing her. She smiled brightly and waved at him, calling out to him. "Kenma! Over here! Hey Kenma!", Kenma looked at her, and his eyes widened, and his lips slightly parted in surprise as a blush formed across his cheeks. He swallowed nervously and walked to her, greeting her, before the two walked in. They sat at a table next to the window with a view of the park, and the trees swaying from the slight breeze outside. She smiled and gasped, and pointed out the window. " Kenma! Look! It's a rainbow! How pretty!", she exclaimed, staring at the arc of colors. While she was staring at the rainbow, Kenma stared at her with a small smile on his face, entranced by the sparkle in her eyes. She turned to him,
and he looked away embarrassed, just as the waiter arrived for their order. "Oh! May I have an order of (F/f) and a (F/d), please?", she said, then turned to Kenma, waiting for him. " I-I'll have the same thing.", he said, stuttering a little. The waiter walked away to place their order, which left the two alone again. It was silent between them, but it was a comfortable silence. "Kenma. I heard you play volleyball! I love volleyball!", she said, happily, before rambling about the game. Kenma was listening to her, when he happened to glance behind her, and saw Kuroo sitting at a table with Bokuto,the two of them staring at Kenma and (Y/n)'s table. Kenma blushed embarrassed at Kuroo, who kept gesturing to him to talk more and engage with her more. Kenma cleared his throat, and hesitantly moved his hands across the table and clasped them around hers gently, startling her into looking up at him, a blush gracing her face, a small smile on her face. Kenma glanced behind her and saw Kuroo giving him a thumbs up, then giving him more gestures. He blushed a deep red at what Kuroo told him to do. Kuroo told Kenma to kiss her. Kenma exhaled a little, before leaning across the table slowly, and pressing his lips onto her's nervously. He heard her gasp a bit, but felt her kiss back, the two of them relaxing. Kuroo high fived Bokuto without (Y/n) or Kenma noticing, then slowly snuck out, already knowing Kenma would ask him why he was there.

A.N: Sorry guys if the ending wasn't good. I wrote this at like three in the morning and I am tired. But I hope you enjoy!

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