Tenya x Reader

46 3 3

This chapter was requested by our very own peggingjin!

Quirk:Animation-you have the ability to bring whatever you draw to life(similar to Momo's creation quirk) . Drawbacks are if you overuse your quirk, your hand becomes stiff, and you turn into a drawing for a few seconds.

First Person P.O.V

I learned back in my chair and yawned, closing my eyes for a little bit, wanting my normal class to be over. I sighed and opened my eyes, only to scream out, as I saw two blue eyes staring down into my
(E/c) eyes. "What the heck, Iida?! Why are you standing over me?", I partially shouted out, sitting up straight and turning around at him. " The school rules say all students must pay attention during class.", was all he said, which made me smirk. "Then why aren't you sitting down and paying attention?", I smugly asked the class rep. He blushed a light pink and rubbed the back of his head nervously. " I..didn't want you to get in trouble.", he said, quieting down. He took his seat, and I turned around to the front, confused. 'He didn't want me to get in trouble?'

(Time skip)
I walked into hero class, and sat down setting my bag on the floor, and started chatting with Kirishima, when I felt something touch my chest, making me blush in embarrassment,and look down, my embarrassment turning into anger as I saw a familiar head of purple. Mineta was knelt next to my seat, his hand on my chest, a small blush on his cheeks. "Grrr, you little pervert!", I shouted, punching him away. He flew against a wall and bounced off, flying back towards me. My eyes widened and I put my hands up in front of me, my eyes shutting, waiting for the grape to collide into me. But he never did. I heard a grunt in front of me, and the sound of something colliding with someone, and I opened my eyes, to see Tenya in front of me, his back facing me, as he set Mineta down, and started reprimanding him for harassment. I blinked as Mineta turned towards me, and bowed, apologizing, before going to his seat. Tenya faced me and nodded, walking to his seat, and waiting for Aizawa to arrive. I faced forward also, as I thought about the day. 'He's so kind'

(Time skip)

First Person P.O.V
I jumped backwards and drew a shield, holding it up as the blue fire blasted towards me. I gritted my teeth, as the heat of the flames hit my face, sweat rolling off my face. The burned man noticed this and ran at me, fire in his palms. I gasped as I saw him jump over me, and run at me from behind, making me spin around and put the drawn shield up, which didn't do anything, as his hands melted through it and burned my arms. I screamed out and jerked away from him, my burned arms aching intensely, causing tears to spring up in my eyes. I turned around and saw him smirking as he sent more fire my way. I crouched and covered my head with my arms, ready for death, only to feel a rush of cool air, soothing my arms and blowing through my hair, arms wrapped around me. I opened my eyes and looked up, to see Tenya, staring straight ahead with a determined glare on his face. He stopped running and set me down gently, kneeling next to me, and inspecting me for injuries. When he saw my arms, he clenched his fists, and looked up at me, a worried expression gracing his usually calm features. "Are you ok? I'm sorry I couldn't get to you sooner. If I had, this wouldn't have happened.", he said, looking down, fighting back tears. I smiled a little and placed my hands on either sides of his face and lifted it up to look at me. I gently swiped his hair to the side and leaned up towards him, placing a kiss on his cheek. " I'm ok, Tenya. It's not your  fault, ok?", I said, staring up into his eyes. He looked away, thinking, before nodding and looking at me. Suddenly a blush bloomed on his cheeks, as he looked away again, glancing between me and the ground, before grasping my face gently, and planting a kiss on my lips. I gasped a little, but melted into it, my eyes shutting.
'He's perfect'

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