Denki x Reader

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This chapter was requested by Oodlesofnooodles! Enjoy!

Quirk:Mind jack
Explanation:You can control anyone by using your retractable finger jacks, which can extend to ten feet. All you need to do is plug one of them into the ear of a person.

First Person P.O.V
I walked into Class 1-A, sighing at the chaos that welcomed me. I walked over to my seat, and sat down, only to jolt up and spin around, seeing Denki with finger guns pointed at me, electricity crackling through one of them. I rolled my eyes and extended my hand, my finger jack flying forward and placing itself inside of Denki's ear. "Ha! Did you really think you'd get away with that you pervert?", I asked, knowing he couldn't answer. I manipulated him into shocking himself, then made his brain short circuit, making me burst out laughing, unplugging my finger jack on accident, waking him up immediately. He turned to me and glared, sitting down with an embarrassed blush, while I smirked at him, retracting my finger jack. "Why'd you do that?", Denki asked, crossing his arms while not looking at me. "Seriously? Maybe it's because you were being a pervert!", I shouted, pointing my finger at him in an accusing way, his blush deepening as he realized most of the class was now staring at them. "I wasn't being a pervert! You liar.", he said, turning away from me. I scoffed and glanced at everyone else, who was now looking at me in a suspicious way. "What? Seriously!? You think I'm lying?", I asked, getting annoyed by the minute. "Well, it's just not like Denki to do that. And you did control him right now, who's to say you weren't controlling him then?", Momo said, crossing her arms while staring at me. I scoffed, checked the time, and stood up, turned around, and walked out of the classroom, angrily, while I heard the class conversations behind me. "Can you believe she would lie about that? She was probably just looking for attention.", Momo said."Yeah, don't know why she would want attention in that way, though.", Kirishima said, placing a finger to his chin in a thinking manner. I finally couldn't stand it anymore and ran to the girl's bathroom, slamming one of the stall doors shut, as I sat inside, crying. 'They think I'm some attention seeking-',my thinking was cut off by someone coming into the bathroom, quietly shutting the door. "(Y/N)? Look, I just wanted to let you know, I believe you. I saw what Denki did, and I told the others, and they're getting after Denki right now, so, can you please come back to class?", Ochaco said, standing outside the stall. I opened the stall door, and looked out at her, and her eyes widened when she saw my tear stained face, her arms wrapping around me in a comforting hug."Come on, let's head back to class, we're all waiting for you, and Aizawa-sensei hasn't arrived yet, so we should be fine.",Ochaco said, as we walked towards Class 1-A, opening the door to see everyone speaking to Denki, only to look up and see me and Ochaco at the door. "(Y/N), I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I just, couldn't imagine Denki doing that. Please, forgive me.",Momo said, bowing deeply, making Mineta run over behind her. I forgave her then mentioned Mineta behind her, which made her stand up and turn around, a glare set on her face as she stared down at him, a scary aura around her. Mineta cried out as tape wrapped itself around him and set him in his seat, while securing him to his chair. Sero sighed and shook his head, before returning to his seat. I turned to Denki, and saw him staring at me, before looking away. I sat down and waited for class to start.

(Time skip)
It was now after school, and Denki and I were the last people in class, when he turned to me. " Hey, (Y/N)? I'm sorry, for earlier, I should have spoken up, but I was embarrassed. It's just, I've liked you for a while, and I didn't know how to show it, and I didn't realize that I was insulting and embarrassing you. So, I'm sorry.", he exclaimed, bowing his head. I stood there in shock, before I walked to him and made him stand up. "So, all of this, was because you had a crush on me? Denki, you know you could have just told me, right?", I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. He sighed, and chuckled while rubbing the back of his head, embarrassed. "Yeah, you're right.", he said, smiling. I looked up at him, and kissed his cheek, a blush forming on his face as he looked down at me, an unfamiliar look in his eyes. He leaned down and smashed his lips onto mine, shocking me greatly, but nonetheless, I kissed back, and wrapped my arms around his shoulder. We pulled away, and rested our foreheads against eachother, a smile on both of our faces." Does this mean we're dating now?", he asked. I nodded and he punched his fist in the air, a triumphant "yes!", escaping his lips. I smiled and pressed my lips onto his, and we shared a kiss.

'What a shocking discovery'

A.N:I am so sorry that I haven't been updating this book, I've just been so caught up with school and personal things, but I will try updating more.

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