Hanako X Reader

46 3 5

(L/f/f) =least favorite feature

This chapter was requested by peggingjin! Once again, please enjoy!

Third Person P.O.V

(Y/n) stepped into the bathroom at school and clutched her skirt in anticipation as she debated whether or not she should summon Hanako. She gave a determined grunt, and nodded before rapping her knuckles on the door of the stall, then waited. Pretty soon, the familiar voice of the apparition filled the air, as he appeared in front of her. She smiled and greeted him, which he returned, before teasing her about (l/f/f), making her karate chop the top of his head, which in turn made him cry out and rub his head. He smiled up at her, a blush pooling in her face, as she looked away, covering her face. Hanako tilted his head confused, which turned into happiness when he heard Yashiro's voice coming in. (Y/n) looked up and greeted the two, smiling, but noticed how Hanako smiled at Yashiro's with such love, that he had never shown with her. She bit her lip, and rushed out, running down the long hall, and hid underneath a staircase. She held her breath as she heard Yashiro's and Hanako's voices get closer, but they eventually passed, making her sigh in relief. She stepped out, and was walking when she saw someone who looked like Hanako, turn to her, a smile on his face. He rushed at her, too fast for her to run away, and stabbed her with a knife in her stomach, making her cough out blood, and collapse. The Hanako lookalike giggled, and disappeared, waving goodbye, just as cries of shock filled her ears. Hanako ran to her, with Yashiro following behind him, and knelt down next to her, holding her in his arms. "(Y/n)! Please don't leave me alone! You're one of the only people I can trust. Don't go, please.", he cried, his voice quieting at the end, as tears streamed down his cheeks. (Y/n) smiled slightly, and placed a hand on his cheek, gently caressing it as she felt tears gather in her eyes. " I'm sorry, Hanako. Just remember, that, I love you.", she whispered, as her eyes fluttered shut for eternity. He screamed in anger and pain as he held her now still body, feeling the warmth slowly leave her, making her feel cold. Yashiro cried from behind him, and wiped her eyes furiously as more tears fell. Her last words echoed in his head. 'Just remember that,I love you'

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