Shigaraki X Reader

65 2 7

Hey guys! This chapter was also requested by peggingjin! Please enjoy!

First Person P.O.V

I walked down the sidewalk, minding my own business, when a boom sounded in the distance. Me, being the curious person I am, ran over to where the explosion came from, and saw a man with burn marks, a guy with hands on his body and face, a girl with a school uniform and a syringe, and a guy that looked like purple mist with yellow eyes. I froze in shock at what I was witnessing. They were attacking a building, so I immediately thought to call the police, or someone, so I pulled out my phone and dialled the number, only for my phone to get hit out of my hand by a syringe. I looked up in fear, as I saw the girl giggling and holding another syringe, and the man with hands looking at me. I heard the man say something to the purple mist, then all of a sudden, I was in an old looking bar that was dimly lit. I ran to the door, only to find, there was no door, mysteriously. I walked around trying to find a way out, when I heard voices and footsteps. "Hey, where's that girl at?", a feminine voice asked. " I don't know, but we better find her. Come on.", a scratchy voice said, just at the footsteps got closer. I gasped, and ran into a room, shutting the door as quietly as I could, and slid under the bed inside. I clamped my hands over my mouth, and held my breath as the bedroom door opened, and I saw someone walk in. I nearly screamed as the person knelt down and looked under the bed at me. It was the same guy I had seen, with the blue hair, only this time I could see his face. His lips looked dry, and he had red eyes. He grabbed my arms and pulled me out, which I noticed only with four fingers. 'Is it his quirk? Is that why he can't use all five fingers to pull me out?', I asked myself in my head. Since I was quirk less, sadly I could not fight back.I was pushed into the main room, where the bar was, and saw the villains from before, all staring at me. "So, what are we gonna do with her? Are we gonna kill her? Or what?", the man with the burn marks asked, almost nonchalantly. I tensed and my blood froze, scared for my life. " No we are not going to kill her. We're going to keep her here, because we can't let her go, obviously.", the blue haired guy said. "Well, where's she gonna stay Shigaraki? There's literally nowhere, and she is not staying in my room.", the burned man said to the blue haired guy whose name was apparently Shigaraki. " Yeah, ok Dabi. She'll just stay in my room then I guess. I don't trust Toga with her.", Shigaraki said to the Dabi, the burned man. Dabi nodded, and walked down the hallway to his room. Toga smiled at me and walked to her room, closing the door. I turned to Shigaraki, who was already going down the hallway, nonchalantly beckoning me to follow him. I walked down the hallway to his room, which was coincidentally the room I had hidden in. I saw him putting a pillow and a blanket on the floor, before lying on his bed, and going to sleep. I sighed and lied down, covering myself with the blanket, and drifting off to sleep.

(Timeskip 1 month)
First Person P.O.V

It's been a while now, and everyone here is used to me, and more friendly. Dabi talks to me now, and Toga hangs out with me, gossiping to me and doing my hair. I have also gotten closer with Shigaraki, and I have a crush on him now. Of course he doesn't know, and I haven't told Toga. I was sitting at the bar on a stool, when Shigaraki walked over to me and sat down next to me. "Hey
(Y/n). I have a question for you. Do you want to go. As in leave the League of Villains? If so, we will let you go.", he said, staring into my (E/c) eyes. I was surprised. 'They'd let me go?', I asked in my head. I got excited, but then I remembered how kind they were to me. I sighed and met his eyes, shaking my head. " No, I wanna stay here. With you", I said, without any hesitation in my voice. His eyes widened slightly at my answer, but nodded. "Oh! Shigaraki! There's something I need to tell you.", I said, a little loudly, making him look back up at me. " I, er, I l-love you" I said, gripping my skirt/jeans while averting his gaze. He lifted my chin up with two of his fingers, and stared me in the eyes, before leaning in and planting a kiss on my lips. He pulled away, and looked down, but I nudged his face gently to look at me, and I smiled, before wrapping my arms around him. I felt him relax, and smiled again. I felt relaxed, being in the arms of my love.

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